Tulkojums: Spožas acis. Mēs esam Nekur Un tas ir tagad. Digital Sheet Music. Lirika. Spožas acis.
Tulkojums: We Are Nowhere And It's Now by Bright Eyes. Ģitāra notis. Iezis. HX.136090.
Tulkojums: Rise Up Dziedāšana. Visi Things Bright and Beautiful. Black and White. Doks līča. Me And My Gal.
Tulkojums: Real Book - I sējums - Sixth Edition. Rudens Ņujorkā. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes. Armagedona.
Tulkojums: Rise Up Dziedāšana - Group Singing Songbook. Visi Things Bright and Beautiful. Black and White. Doks līča.
Tulkojums: Real Book - I sējums - Mini Edition. Bright Izmērs Life. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes.
Tulkojums: Kāzas. Nevar Take My Eyes pie jums. I Do It For You. Aladdin s Theme. Visi Things You Are. Body And Soul.
Tulkojums: Real Book - C Edition. Angel Eyes. Bessie s Blues. Body And Soul. Out Of Nowhere. E.S.P. Armagedona.
Tulkojums: Real Book - Bb Edition. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes. Armagedona. Sweet Georgia Bright.
Tulkojums: Real Book - Eb Edition. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes. Armagedona. Sweet Georgia Bright.
Tulkojums: Real Book - Bass Clef Edition. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes. Armagedona. Savvaļas ziedu.
Tulkojums: Real Book - Volume 1. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Bessie s Blues. Body And Soul. E.S.P.
Tulkojums: Real Book - Volume 1. Visi Things You Are. Bright Izmērs Life. Angel Eyes. Armagedona. Sweet Georgia Bright.