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Rise Up Singing - The Group Singing Songbook. Various. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.
Rise Up Dziedāšana - Group Singing Songbook. Dažādas. Balss notis. Kora notis.
Rise Up Singing - The Group Singing Songbook. The Group Singing Songbook. Composed by Various. Edited by Peter Blood & Annie Patterson. For Choral. Vocal. Spiral Bound. Songbook - Leader's Edition. 288 pages. Hal Leonard #1881322149. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.740332. ISBN 1881322149. 9x12 inches. If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. At camp or school, church or union hall, by campfire or in your own living room, you will never run out of songs to sing with this book. Songs are quick and easy to locate. they appear in alphabetical order within chapter groupings like lullabies, love songs, sea songs, and spirituals. From ballads to Beatles, Bob Dylan to Broadway, here are the words, all in one place, to the songs you've loved in the past - with many more to learn from friends in the future. A La Claire Fontaine. A Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin'. Abelard and Heloise. Abide with Me. Absalom. Acres of Clams. anit-nuke. The Activity Room. After Hours. After the Ball is Over. Ah Poor Bird. Aikendrum. Ain't Gonna Let Nobody. Ain't You Got a Right. adap. Alexander's Ragtime Band. All Clear in Harrisburg. All I Ask Of You. All I Really Need. All My Trials. All the Good People. All The Pretty Little Horses. All the Weary Mothers of the Earth. All Things Bright and Beautiful. All Through the Night. Ar Hyd y Nos. All Used Up. Alleluia. Alouette. Amazing Grace. Amelia Earhart's Last Flight. America. America The Beautiful. America from West Side Story. Andorra. Angel Band. Angel From Montgomery. Angels Hovering Round. Angels Watchin' Over Me. Anne Boleyn. Annie Laurie. Annie's Song. Apple Trees in Bloom. Applepickers Reel. Aragon Mill. Arrabella Miller. Arthur McBride. The Ash Grove. Asikatali. At the Gate of Heaven. Au Clair de la Lune. Auld Lang Syne. Aunt Rhody. Aupres de ma blonde. Away With Rum. Babies in the Mill. Baby Beluga. Baby Tree. Babylon. Babylon is Fallen. Babysitter Song. Back Home Again. Ballad of Erica Levine. Ballad of Springhill. Balm in Gilead. La Bamba. Bamboo. The Band Played On. Banks of Marble. Banks Of The Ohio. Barbara Allen. Barnyard Dance. Barrett's Privateers. Bashana Haba-ah. La Bastringue. Battle Hymn of Women. Battle Of New Orleans. Be Kind to Your Parents from Fanny. Be King to Your Web-footed Friends. Be Prepared. Be Thou My Vision. Beans In My Ears. Because All Men Are Brothers. Before They Close the Minstrel Show. Beggars to God. Believe Me If All Those Endearing. Bella Clan. Best Friend. Unicorn Song. Beware O Take Care. Bheir Me O. adap. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Big Yellow Taxi. Biko. Bill Bailey. Birmingham Sunday. Birthday Cake. Bisan. Biscuits in the Oven. Black Fly Song. Black is the Color. adap. Black Socks. Black And White. Blackbird. Bless My Soul. Blessed Assurance. Blow The Candles Out. Blow the Man Down. Blow Ye Winds of Morning. Blowin' In The Wind. Blue Moon. The Boar's Head Carol. Boom Boom. Both Sides Now. Bottle of Wine. Bourgeois Blues. The Boxer. Brahms' Lullaby. The Bramble and the Rose. Brand New Tennessee Waltz. The Brandy Tree. Bread And Roses. Bread Song. Brennan On The Moor. Bridgit O'Malley. Bright Morning Stars. Brightest And Best. Bring a Torch. Bring Me a Rose. Bringing In The Sheaves. The Broom of the Cowdeknowes. Brother Can You Spare a Dime. Brother James' Air. Brother Sun, Sister Moon. Brush Your Teeth. Buckingham Palace. Buffalo Boy. Buffalo Gals. Building Bridges. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Bye'n Bye. Ca' The Ewes. Camelot from Camelot. Camptown Races. Can't Kill the Spirit. Un Canadien Errant. Candy Man Blues. Canoe Round. A Capital Ship. Captain Kidd. Captain Kidd. hymn. Careless Love. Carolina in My Mind. Carry It On. Casey Jones. The Cat Came Back. Catch The Wind. Chairs to Mend. Changes. Changing As I Go. A Chat with Your Mom. Chelsea Morning. The Chemical Worker's Song. Cherry Tree Carol. Chevaliers de la Table Rond. Chickens Get Into the Tomatoes. A Child This Day. Children Go Where I Send Thee. Children of Darkness. Christmas Morning. Cielito Lindo. Cindy. Circle Chant. Circle Game. Circle of the Sun. Circle Round the Sun. Circles. City of New Orleans. Clementine. Coal Mining Woman. Coal Tattoo. Cockles and Mussles. Coffee. Colours. Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies. Come Fare Away With Me. Come Follow. Come And Go With Me. Come Take a Trip in My Airship. Comin' Through The Rye. Coming Home to You. The Coming of the Road. Common Thread. The Commonwealth of Toil. Community Power. Cook With Honey. Copper Kettle. Cotton Mill Girls. Country Life. Coventry Carol. Crawdad. Cripple Creek. The Cruel War Is Raging. Custom-made Woman Blues. The Cutty Wren. Daddy What's a Train. Daisy Bell. Dancing at Whitsun. Dancing In The Street. Daniel. Danny Boy. Dark As A Dungeon. Darlin' Corey. Day by Day from Godspell. Day Is Done. Day Is Dying In The West. Day-O. Dayenu. De Colores. Dear Lord and Father. Deep Blue Sea. Deep River. Deep River Blues. Demos Gracias. Deportee. Desperado. Dillan Bay. Dirty Old Town. Djankoye. Do Lord. Do Re Mi. Do Re Mi from The Sound of Music. Do You Love an Apple. Dock Of The Bay. Dodi Li. Don't Put Your Finger Up Your Nose. Don't Shut My Sister Out. Don't You Push Me Down. Don't You Weep After Me. Dona Dona. Dona Nobis Pacem. Done Laid Around. Douglas Mountain. Down at the Station. Down by the Bay. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Down by the Sally Gardens. Down in the Valley. Down on the American Farm. Down On The Farm. Downtown. Draft the Dodger Rag. Draglines. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Drill Ye Tarriers Drill. Drunken Sailor. The Dutchman. Dwelling in Buelah Land. E-ri-ee. Early Morning Rain. The Earth Is My Mother. Eddystone Light. Edelweiss from The Sound of Music. Ego Sum Pauper. Eleanor Rigby. Eleckatricity and All. Eli Eli. Halicha L'Kesariya. Eliyahu. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Erev Ba. Erie Canal. Every Night When The Sun Goes In. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Everybody Loves Saturday Night. Everybody's Talking. Every Day. Everything's Possible. Ezekiel Saw The Wheel. Factory Girl. Fairest Lord Jesus. The Faith of Man. Family. Farewell to Tarwaithe. Farmer. Farmer is the Man. Farther Along. Fashioned in the Clay. Father's Whiskers. The Faucets are Dripping. Fiddler's Green. Field Behind The Plow. Fifty Nine Cents. Fight Back. Finjan. Finnegan's Wake. Fire And Rain. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Five Hundred Miles. Five Little Ducks. Flower Carol. Fly Me To The Moon. The Foggy, Foggy Dew. Follow The Drinkin' Gourd. Follow the Gleam. Food Glorious Food from Oliver. Foolish Frog. adap. For A Change. For Baby. For Bobby. For Me And My Gal. For The Beauty Of The Earth. Forty Hour Week. Forty-Five Years. Four Strong Winds. The Fox. Frankie and Johnny. Free At Last. Free To Be You And Me. Freedom Is A Constant Struggle. Freight Train. Freiheit. French Cathedral Round. Friendly Beasts. Friends Forever. Froggie Went A Courtin'. Frozen Logger. Funiculi, Funicula. The Gallo Song. Garbage. Garden Song. Gardening. Gay Spirit Moving. Die Gedanken sind frei. Gee Officer Krupke from West Side Story. A Gentle Song. Geordie. George Fox Song. Geronimo's Cadillac. Get Up and Go. Getting to Know You from The King and I. Gibberish. Git Along Little Dogies. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Give My Regards to Broadway. Give Yourself to Love. Glad to Be a Woman. Gloucestershire Wassail. Go Down Moses. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Go to Joan Glover. Go to Work on Monday. God Bless the Grass. God Bless The Moon. God's Gift to Women. Goin' Down The Road. Going to the Zoo. Golden Vanity. Gone, Gonna Rise Again. Good News. Good Old Dora. Goodbye, John Wayne. Goodbye to the Thirty Foot Trailer. Goodnight Irene. Goodnight-Loving Trail. Gospel Changes. Gospel Ship. Government on Horseback. Gracias a la Vida. Grandfather's Clock. The Great Silkie. The Great Storm is Over. The Green Grass Grows All Around. Green Green Rocky Road. Green Grow the Rashes-o. Green Grow the Rushes. Green Rollin' Hills. Greenland Fisheries. Grey Funnel Line. Guantanamera. Gum Song. Haida Haida. Hallelujah, I'm A Bum. Hallelujah I'm a Travelin'. Hang on the Bell, Nellie. Happiness Runs. The Happy Wanderer. Hard Ain't It Hard. Hard Love. Hard Lovin' Loser. Hard Times Come Again No More. Hard Traveling. Harriet Tubman. Haul Away Joe. Hava Nagila. Hava Nashira. Have You Seen the Ghost of John. Hay Una Mujer. He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother. He Played Real Good For Free. He's Got The Whole World. He's My Rock My Sword My Shield. Healing River. Heart Like A Wheel. Heart Of My Heart. Hearth and Fire. Heat Wave. Heaven Help Us All. Hello In There. Here Comes The Sun. Here's to Cheshire. Here's to You Rounders. Hevenu Shalom Alecheim. Hey Ho Nobody Home. Hey Look Me Over from Wildcat. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye. Hieland Laddie. Hills of Isle Au Haut. Hineh Ma Tov. The Hippopotamus Song. Hobo's Lullaby. Hold On. Hole In the Bucket. Holly Ann. The Holly Bears A Berry. The Holly and the Ivy. Holy Ground. Home Again. Home on the Range. Homeward Bound. Homophobia. Honor the Earth. Hoppity. A Horse Named Bill. Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight. House Of The Rising Sun. Housewife's Lament. How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live. How Can I Keep From Singing. The Hug. Hush Li'l Baby. Hymn for the Nations. Hymn for the Russian Earth. Hymn Song. I Ain't Got No Home in This World. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore. I Am a Union Woman. I Am a Woman. I Am an Acorn. I Am Changing My Name To Chrysler. I Can't Help But Wonder. I Circle Around. I Come and Stand. I Could Have Danced All Night rom My Fair Lady. I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier. I Don't Want Your Millions Mister. I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag. I Feel Pretty from West Side Story. I Get a Kick Out of You from Anything Goes. I Got Shoes. I Had a Little Overcoat. I Had A Rooster. I Just Called To Say I Love You. I Know An Old Lady. I Know The Lord's Laid His Hands On Me. I Know Where I'm Goin'. I Like the Age I Am. I Live in a City. I Love the Flowers. I Never Will Marry. The I.P.D. I Ride An Old Paint. I Sat Down with the Duchess to Tea. I Shall Be Released. I Still Miss Someone. I Think It's Gonna Rain Today. I Wanna Be a Dog. I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl. I Will Arise and Go to Jesus. I Will Bow and Be Simple. I Wish I Were a Little Thugar Bun. I Wish They'd Do It Now. I Won't Grow Up from Peter Pan. I Wonder as I Wander. adap. I'll Fly Away. I'm A Little Cookie. I'm A Little Teapot. I'm Gonna Be an Engineer. I'm Gonna Be Silly. I'm Gonna Do What the Spirit Says. I'm Gonna Tell on You. I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair from South Pacific. I'm In The Mood. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover. I'm My Own Grandpa. I'm On My Way. I'm Sitting on Top of the World. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. I've Been to London. I've Been Working On The Railroad. I've Got Sixpence. I've Got That Joy. I've Got To Know. If Ever I Would Leave You from Camelot. If I Had A Hammer. If I Only Had a Brain from The Wizard of Oz. If I Were a Featherbed. If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof. If It's Magic. If Rosa Parks Can Go to Jail. If We Only Have Love. If You Don't Love Your Neighbor. If You Love Me. If You Miss Me from the Back of the Bus. If You're Happy And You Know It. Imagine. In A Little Spanish Town. In Christ There Is No East Nor West. In My Life. In the Fashion. In the Garden. In the Good Old Summertime. In the Very Middle. Iowa Waltz. The Irish Ballad. Rickety Tickety Tin. Isle Au Haut Lullaby. Isn't She Lovely. It Comes With the Plumbing. It Could Be a Wonderful World. It Could Have Been Me. It Isn't Nice. It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary. It's a Long Road to Freedom. It's All Right To Cry. It's Only a Wee Wee. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jacob's Ladder. Jamaica Farewell. Java Jive. Jenny's Gone Away. Jesus Christ. Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head. adap. Jesus Won't You Come By Here. Jig Along Home. Joan Come Kiss Me Now. Jock O'Hazeldean. Joe Hill. John B. Sails. adap. John Barleycorn. John Brown's Body. John Henry. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. John O'Dreams. John Riley. John Wayne Image. Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye. Joseph Dearest. Joshua. Joy Is Like the Rain. Joy and Temperature. Juanita. Jubilate. Jubilee. Julian of Norwich. Junk Food Junkie. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. The Jute Mill Song. Kansas City from Oklahoma. Keep On The Sunny Side. Keep the Home Fires Burning. The Keeper. Kentucky Babe. Kevin Barry. Kilkelly, Ireland. King Of The Road. Kisses Sweeter Than Wine. Kookabura. Kumbaya. The L & N Don't Stop Here Any More. Lachen Lachen. Lads O' the Fair. Lakes of Ponchetrain. The Land Where We'll Never Grow Old. Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl. Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream. The Last Thing On My Mind. Lavender's Blue. Lean On Me. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Let It Be. Let It Be Me. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Let the Lower Lights Keep Burning. Let the Woman in You Come Through. Let There Be Peace On Earth. Let Us Break Bread Together. Let's Do the Numbers Rumba. Let's Get Together. Lies. Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad. Lift Every Voice. Lift Me Gentle Lord. Light Is Returning. Light One Candle. The Lighthouse. Little Bit of Light. Little Blue Top. Little Boxes. Little Brand New Baby. Little Brown Dog. Autumn to May - adap. Little Brown Jug. Little House. The Little White Duck. Liverpool Lullaby. Lo How a Rose. Loch Lomond. Lone Wild Bird. Lonesome Traveler. Lonesome Valley. new version. Long Black Veil. Long Time Friends. Look to the People. Lord Blow the Moon Out. Lord Franklin. Lord, I Got Some Singing to Do. Lord I Want to Be a Christian. Lord Of The Dance. Die Lorelei. Love Grows One by One. Love Is Come Again. Love Will Guide Us. Love's Gonna Carry Us. Lovely Agnes. Lucretia Mott. Lullabye. Like a Ship. The M.T.A. Song. MacPherson's Farewell. Magic Penny. Mail Myself To You. Mairi's Wedding. Make Me a Pallet. Make New Friends. Mama Don't Allow. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys. Man Come Into Egypt. Man In The Middle. Man Of Constant Sorrow. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. The Man That Waters the Workers Beer. The Mandolin Man. Martin's Said to His Man. Marvelous Toy. The Mary Ellen Carter. Mary Got a Job. Mary Had a Baby. Mary Hamilton. Masters in this Hall. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. May the Light of Love. May There Always Be Sunshine. Men of the Fields. Mercedes-Benz. Merry Minuet. Mi Y'malel. Michael From Mountains. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Midnight Special. The Migrant Song. The Mill Was Made of Marble. Millworker. Mo'oz Tzur. Mole In The Ground. Moon River. Moonshadow. More Love. The More We Get Together. Morning Comes Early. Morning has Broken. Morning Morgantown. Morningtown Ride. Moscow Nights. Motherless Child. Mothers Daughters Wives. Motorcycle Song. Mountain Dew. Mountain Song. Moving Day. Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Sun. adap. Mrs. McGrath. Multiple Relationship Blues. Music Alone Shall Live. My Blue Heaven. My Body. My Dame. Had a Lame Tame Crane. My Dreydl. My Faith It Is an Oaken Staff. My Father. My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music. My Girl. My Home's Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Hometown. My Land is a Good Land. My Little Girl. My Lord What A Morning. My Mom's a Feminist. My Old Man. My Rainbow Race. My Rambling Boy. My Rhinoceros. My Sweet Wyoming Home. Never Turning Back. A New Day. New River Train. new version. New York, New York. Nicolia. The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down. No Easy Walk to Freedom. No Hole in My Head. No Man's Land. No More Auction Block. No More Genocide. No No No. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Nobody Knows When You're Down and Out. Northwest Passage. Nova Scotia Farewell. Now Is the Cool of the Day. Now Let Us Sing. Now That the Buffalo's Gone. Now The Day Is Over. Nowhere Man. O Babe It Ain't No Lie. O Come Emmanuel. O Freedom. O Had I a Golden Thread. O Hannukah. O How Lovely Is The Evening. O Joy Upon This Earth. O Mary Don't You Weep. O, No, John. O Susannah. O What a Beautiful City. O What a Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma. Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley. Octopus' Garden. Oklahoma from Oklahoma. Ol' Texas. Old Chisolm Trail. Old Dan Tucker. Old Devil Time. The Old Folks At Home. Old Friends. Old Hundredth. new version. Old Joe Clark. Old JP He Ain't What He Used To be. Old MacDonald. new version. Old Rosin The Beau. Old Settler Song. Old Time Religion. parody. Oleanna. adap. On Ilkey Moor Bah T'at. On Top Of Spaghetti. Once To Every Man And Nation. One About the Bird in the Cage. One Bottle Pop. One Day At A Time. One Grain of Sand. One Man's Hands. One More Step. One Morning In May. Only a Song. Oseh Shalom. Our Life Is More Than Our Work. Over In The Meadow. Over My Head. Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz. Pack Up Your Sorrows. Pack Up Your Troubles. Paddy on the Railway. Paradise. Passing Through. Pastures Of Plenty. Patriot Game. Peace in the Valley. Peace Is. Peace Is Flowing Like a River. Peace Like A River. Peace Round. Peace Song. Peanut Butter. The Peat Bog Soldiers. Peggy-o. Penny Lane. The People Are Scratching. People Like You. Per Spelmann. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. The Piney Wood Hills. A Place In The Choir. Plaisir d'Amour. Pleasant and Delightful. Please Tip Your Waitress. Plegaria a un Labrador. Pollution. Poor Mr. Morgan. Power. The Power and the Glory. Prairie in the Sky. Prayer of St. Francis. The Preacher and the Slave. Pie in the Sky. The Preacher Went Down. Precious Friend. Precious Lord. Precious Memories. Pretty Little Baby. Pretty Saro. adap. El Pueblo Unido. Puff. The Magic Dragon. Put on YOur Old Grey Bonnet. Put Your Finger In The Air. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Puttin' on the Style. The Ramblin' Rover. Reach Out And Touch Somebody's Hand. Rebel Girl. Red Is The Rose. Red River Valley. Rhymes And Reasons. The Rich Man And The Poor Man. Riddle Song. Ride-a-Cock Horse. Riding In My Car. Rigs of the Time. Ring Around the Rosy Rag. Ring in the New Year. Rio Grande. Ripple. Rise Again. Rise Up O Flame. Rise Up Shepherd. Rising of the Moon. adap. River. River of Light. adap. Riverboat. The Rivers of Babylon. The Road I Took to You. Road to the Isles. Rock Island Line. Rock Me Roll Me. Rock Me To Sleep. Rock-a My Soul. adap. Rocky Mountain High. Roddy Mccorley. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Roll On Columbia. Roll The Union On. Roll to the River. Rollin' Down to Old Maui. Rollng Hills of the Borders. Rolling Home. Rooster Song. Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon. Rose Rose. The Rose. Rosebud in June. Roseville Fair. Royal Telephone. Rubber Blubber Whale. Run Come See Jerusalem. The Runaway Shop Song. S-A-V-E-D. Sabbath Prayer from Fiddler on the Roof. Safe in the Harbor. Sailin' Down this Golden River. Sailing Up, Sailing Down. A Sailor's Prayer. Saint James Infirmary. Sakura. Salty Dog. Same Boat Now. San Francisco Bay Blues. Sarah's Circle. Sarasponda. Satisfied Mind. Scarborough Fair. Scotland's Burning. Seek Ye First. Seek and You Shall Find. Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music. Seneca Canoe Song. September Song from Knickerbocker Holiday. Seven Joys Of Mary. Seventy-Six Trombones from The Music Man. Shabat Shalom. Shady Grove. Shake My Sillies Out. Shake Sugaree. Shake These Bones. Shaker Life. Shalom Chaverim. Shenandoah. Shine on Harvest Moon. Ship Titanic. Shortnin' Bread. The Sick Note. Sidewalks Of New York. Simple Gifts. Since You Asked. Sing along. Sing And Rejoice. Singing for Our Lives. Sinner Man. Sister. Sisters Of Mercy. Sixteen Tons. Skip to My Lou. Skye Boat Song. So Long It's Been Good to Know Yuh. Sodeo. Soft O'er the Fountain. Solar Carol. Bright Morning Star. Solidarity Forever. Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific. Somebody Touched Me. Someday Soon. Someone to Love Me. Somerset Wassail. Something To Sing About. Somewhere from West Side Story. Somos El Barco. Song for Judith. A Song Of Peace. Song of the Soul. Sons Of. Fils De. Soon It's Gonna Rain from The Fantasticks. Sound Of Music from The Sound of Music. Sounds of Silence. Soup Song. South Australia. Spanish is the Living Tongue. Spirit Of God. Spirit Of The Living God. Spoon River. Squalor. Stagolee. Stand By Me. Standin' In The Need Of Prayer. Star of the County Down. Starlight on the Rails. Steal Away. Stealin' Stealin'. Step By Step. Step it Out Nancy. Stevens Don't Allow. Stewball. Still Ain't Satisfied. Stone Harbor Lullaby. Stouthearted Men from New Moon. Streets Of Laredo. Streets Of London. Study War No More. Sumer Is Icumen In. Summertime from Porgy and Bess. Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof. Sur Le Pont D'Avignon. Sussex Mummers Carol. Suzanne. Swallow Song. Sweet Baby James. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Sweet and Low. Sweet Potatoes. Sweet Song of Yesterday. Sweet Sunny South. Swimming Song. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. T.V. Song. Taft Hartley Song. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Out To The Ballgame. Take These Hands. Take This Hammer. Tallis Canon. Tea for Two from No, No, Nanette. Teach Your Children. Teddy Bears' Picnic. Tell Me I'm Lovely When I Cry. Tell Me Why. Ten Little Frogs. Tender Shepherd from Peter Pan. Tennessee Stud. Tenting Tonight. Testimony. Thanksgiving Eve. That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed. That's What Friends Are For. There Are Three Brothers. There But For Fortune. There Is a Tavern in the Town. There Was a Young Woman. There Were Roses. There'll Come a Time. There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea. There's a Long Long Trail. They Call the Wind Maria from Paint Your Wagon. They'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. Thirsty Boots. This Glorious Food. This Land Is Your Land. This Little Light. new version. This Old Earth. This Old Man. new version. This Train. adap. This World Is Not My Home. Those Were The Days. Throw It Out the Window. Thyme. Time Has Made a Change in Me. Time's A-gettin' Hard. The Times They Are A-Changin'. To Sing for You. To Stop the Train. To Try For The Sun. Today. Tom Dooley. Tomorrow Is A Long Time. Tonight from West Side Story. Too Old for Work. The Tracks Of My Tears. The Trail of the Lonseome Pine. Tramp on the Street. Travelin' Man. Trouble In Mind. Truck Drivin' Woman. Try to Remember from The Fantasticks. Tumbalalaika. Turn Around. Turn Back O Man from Godspell. Turn, Turn, Turn. Turn Ye to Me. Turn Your Radio On. Turning of the World. Turning Toward the Morning. Twelve Days Of Christmas. Two Brothers. Two Good Arms. Two Sleepy People. Tzena Tzena. Ubi caritas. Under One Sky. Union Maid. Universal Soldier. Until It's Time For You To Go. Up On The Roof. Urge for Goin'. The Valley of Strathmore. Vesper Hymn. Victor Jara. Vine And Fig Tree. Violets of Dawn. Viva La Quince Brigada. Vive l'AMour. Vive La Cookery Maid. Voices from the Mountains. Wabash Cannonball. Wade In The Water. Wait Til the Sun Shines Nellie. Walk In Jerusalem. Walk Shepherdess Walk. Waltz Across Texas. Waltzing Matilda. Waltzing with Bears. Wanderin'. Wasn't That a Time. The Wassail Song. Water Is Wide. Waterfall. Waydy Bug and Wittle Woim. Wayfaring Stranger. The Ways of Man. We Are All One Planet. We Are Building a Strong Union. We Are the Flow. We Can Work It Out. We Don't Need the Men. We Hate to See Them Go. We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus. We Shall Not Be Moved. We Shall Overcome. We'll Understand It Better By And By. We're Off to See the Wizard from The Wizard of Oz. Wear It As Long As You Can. Weave Me the Sunshine. adap. Wedding Banquet. The Wedding Song. Were You There. What a Day of Victory. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. What Did You Learn in School Today. What Do I Do. What Have They Done To The Rain. What If the Russians Don't Come. What The World Needs Now. What to Do. What You Do with What You've Got. What'll I Do With This Baby-O. What's That I Hear. Wheels On the Bus. When All Thy Names Are One. When I First Came To This Land. When I Needed A Neighbor. When I Was a Fair Maid. When I'm Gone. When I'm Sixty-Four. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. When Jesus Wept. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. When the Saints Go Marching In. adap. When The Ship Comes In. When You Wore A Tulip. Where Could I Go. Where Have All The Flowers Gone. Where Is Love. From Oliver. Which Side Are You On. Whiffenpoos Song. While Strolling thru the Park. White Collar Holler. White Sands and Grey Sands. Who Built the Ark. adap. Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot. Why O Why. Why Shouldn't My Goose. Wild Mountain Thyme. Wild Rover. The Wild West Is Where I Want to Be. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Willie of Winsbury. Willin'. The Willing Conscript. Winnsboro Cotton Mull Blues. The Witch Song. With a Little Bit of Luck from My Fair Lady. With A Little Help From My Friends. With God On Our Side. Woke Up This Morning. Woman At the Well. adap. The Woman in Your Life. The Woman She Hold Up. Wondrous Love. Work of the Weavers. Working Girl Blues. The World Turned Upside Down. Worried Man Blues. Wouldn't It Be Loverly from My Fair Lady. Woyaya. Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies. Wynken, Blynken and Nod. Yea Ho Little Fish. Yellow Submarine. Yesterday. You Ain't Going Nowhere. You Are My Sunshine. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Can Close Your Eyes. You Can Get It If You Really Want. You Can't Hurry Love. You Can't Make a Turtle Come Out. You Fill the Day. You Gotta Go Down. You Were On My Mind. You've Got A Friend. You've Really Got A Hold On Me. Your Daughters and Your Sons. Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore. Zum Gali Gali.
Rise Up Dziedāšana - Group Singing Songbook. Grupa Singing Songbook. Sastāvā Dažādi. Edited by Peter Blood. Par kora. Vokāls. Spiral bound. Songbook - Vadītāja Edition. 288 lappuses. Hal Leonard. Publicējusi Hal Leonard. HL.740332. ISBN 1881322149. 9x12 collas. Ja jums patīk dziedāt kopā ar draugiem, tas ir grāmata jūs esat vienmēr gribēja. Lielākā daļa cilvēku zina melodijas simtiem dziesmu, bet zinu vārdus, lai tikai daži. Camp vai skolas, baznīcas un arodbiedrības zālē ar ugunskura vai savā dzīvojamā istaba, jūs nekad izsīkšanai dziesmas dziedāt ar šo grāmatu. Dziesmas ir ātri un viegli atrast. tie parādās alfabētiskā secībā laikā nodaļas grupās, piemēram, šūpuļdziesmas, mīlas dziesmas, jūras dziesmas un spirituals. No balādēm līdz The Beatles, Bob Dylan Broadway, šeit ir vārdi, viss vienā vietā, uz dziesmām esat mīlēja agrāk - ar daudz ko vairāk, lai mācītos no draugiem nākotnē. La Claire Fontaine. Ram Sam Sam. -Rovin ". Abelard un Heloise. Paliec ar mani. Absaloms. Acres gliemeņu. anit-nuke. Darbības telpa. Pēc stundām. Pēc tam, kad bumba ir Over. Ah Poor Bird. Aikendrum. Nav Gonna Let Neviens. Vai ne jūs Got Tiesības. adap. Aleksandra Ragtime Band. Visi Harrisburg Clear. Viss, ko es lūdzu no jums. Viss, ko es tiešām ir nepieciešams. Visas manas Trials. Visi labi cilvēki. Visi Pretty Little Horses. Visi Apnicis Mātes Zemes. Visi Things Bright and Beautiful. Visu cauru nakti. Ar Hyd y Nos. Viss lietotais Up. Alleluia. Cīrulis. Amazing Grace. Amelia Earhart pēdējā Flight. Amerika. America Beautiful. America no West Side Story. Andora. Angel Band. Angel No Montgomery. Angels Hovering Round. Angels watchin 'Over Me. Anne Boleyn. Annie Laurie. Annie dziesma. Ābeles zied. Applepickers Reel. Aragon Mill. Arrabella Miller. Arthur McBride. Ash Grove. Asikatali. Pie vārtiem Heaven. Mēness gaismā. Auld Lang Syne. Tante Rhody. Aupres manu draudzeni. Nost ar Rum. Zīdaiņiem, kas Mill. Baby Beluga. Baby Tree. Babylon. Kritusi. Aukle Song. Back Home Again. Balāde par Erica Levine. Balāde par Springhill. Balzams Gileādā. La Bamba. Bambuss. Band Spēlēts On. Bankām, marmora. Bankām, Ohio. Barbara Allen. Barnyard Dance. Bareta Privateers. Bashana Haba-ah. La Bastringue. Battle Hymn Sieviešu. Battle Of New Orleans. Esiet laipni pret saviem vecākiem, no Fanny. King uz Jūsu Web Kukaiņu Draugi. Esi gatavs. Esi Mans Vision. Pupiņas ausīs. Tāpēc, ka visi cilvēki ir brāļi. Pirms slēgt Minstrel Rādīt. Nabagi Dievam. Ticiet man, ja visas šīs endearing. Bella Clan. Best Friend. Vienradzis Song. Piesargāties O Rūpēties. Bheir Me O. adap. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Big Yellow Taxi. Biko. Bill Bailey. Birmingham svētdiena. Dzimšanas dienas kūka. Bisan. Cepumi krāsnī. Melns Fly Song. Melns ir krāsa. adap. Melnas zeķes. Black and White. Melnais strazds. Bless My Soul. Blessed Assurance. Pūst sveces out. Blow The Man Down. Pūt Winds rīta. Blowin 'In The Wind. Blue Moon. Kuilis galva Carol. Boom Boom. Abas puses Tagad. Vīna pudele. Buržujs Blues. Boxer. Brāmsa "Šūpuļdziesma. Bramble un Rose. Brand New Tennessee Waltz. Brandy Tree. Maize un rozēm. Maize Song. Brennan On The Moor. Bridgit O'Malley. Spilgti Rīta Zvaigznes. Spējīgāko un labāko. Bring lāpu. Bring Me Rose. Liekas In skrituļiem. No Cowdeknowes Broom. Brālis Vai Jūs Rezerves dimetānnaftalīns. Brālis James "Air. Brālis Sun, Māsa Mēness. Tīrīt zobus. Buckingham Palace. Buffalo Boy. Buffalo Gals. Celtniecības Bridges. Ko gaisma Sudrabots fāze. Bye'n Bye. CA mātēm. Camelot no Camelot. Camptown Races. Nevar nogalināt Garu. Un Canadien klīstošs. Candy Man Blues. Kanoe Round. Capital Ship. Captain Kidd. Captain Kidd. himna. Neuzmanīgs Mīlestība. Carolina in My Mind. Nēsāt. Casey Jones. Cat atgriezās. Catch The Wind. Krēsli laboties. Izmaiņas. Mainot Kā es varu iet. Čats ar savu mammu. Chelsea Morning. Chemical Strādnieku Song. Cherry Tree Carol. Knights of apaļā galda. Cāļi nokļūt Tomāti. Bērnu Šī diena. Bērni iet, kur es sūtu Tevi. Bērni Darkness. Ziemassvētku rītā. Cielito Lindo. Cindy. Aplis Chant. Apļa spēle. Circle of the Sun. Aplis ap sauli. Apļi. City of New Orleans. Clementine. Ogļu ieguves Woman. Ogļu Tattoo. Gliemeži un Mussles. Kafija. Krāsas. Nāciet jūs visi Fair un konkursa Ladies. Nāc Maksa Away With Me. Nāc, seko. Nāk un iet ar mani. Nāciet Veikt ceļojumu My dirižablis. Comin 'Through The Rye. Coming Home Jums. Of the Road Coming. Kopīgu pavediens. Gada nomocīties Commonwealth. Kopienas Power. Pavārs ar medu. Copper Kettle. Kokvilnas Mill Girls. Country Life. Coventry Carol. Crawdad. Kroplis Creek. Cruel karš ir nikns. Custom-made Woman Blues. Cutty Wren. Tētis Kas ir Train. Daisy Bell. Dejas Vasarsvētkos. Dancing In The Street. Daniel. Danny Boy. Dark Kā Dungeon. Darlin 'Corey. Ar katru dienu no Godspell. Diena ir galā. Dienu mirst Rietumos. Diena-O. Dayenu. Krāsains. Dārgais Kungs un Tēvs. Deep Blue Sea. Deep River. Deep River Blues. Paldies Demos. Izsūtītais. Trakulis. Dillan Bay. Dirty Old Town. Djankoye. Vai Kungs. Do Re Mi. Vai Re Mi no The Sound of Music. Vai jums patīk Apple. Doks līča. Dodi Li. Nenovietojiet pirkstu Up Your Nose. Nav Aizveries mana māsa Out. Vai tu Push Me Down. Nav jūs raudat pēc manis. Dona Dona. Dona Nobis Pacem. Darīts Laid Around. Douglas Mountain. Lejā pie stacijas. Down by the Bay. Ko paredz Old Mill Stream. , Ko nosaka Sally Gardens. Lejup ielejā. Uz leju amerikāņu Farm. Down On The Farm. Centrs. Attiecība viltnieks RAG projektu. Draglaini. Sapnis Little Dream Of Me. Urbt YE Tarriers Drill. Piedzēries Sailor. Holandietis. Mājoklis Buelah Land. E-ri-ee. Agri no rīta lietus. Zeme ir mana māte. Eddystone Light. Edelweiss no The Sound of Music. Ego Sum Pauper. Eleanor Rigby. Eleckatricity un viss. Eli Eli. Halicha L'Kesariya. Eliyahu. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Erev Ba. Erie Canal. Katru vakaru, kad saule iet. Katru reizi, kad es Feel The Spirit. Ikviens mīl Sestdienas nakts. Visi runā. Katru dienu. Viss ir iespējams. Ezekiel Saw The Wheel. Factory Girl. Taisnīgi Kungs Jēzus. Cilvēka Faith. Ģimene. Ardievas Tarwaithe. Lauksaimnieks. Lauksaimnieks ir cilvēks. Tālāk gar. Darināts no māla. Tēva spirāles. Krāni ir pašpresēšana. Fiddler Green. Lauka aiz arkla. Piecdesmit deviņi centi. Cīņa Atpakaļ. Finjan. Finnegan ir Wake. Uguns un lietus. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Pieci simti Miles. Pieci Little Ducks. Ziedu Carol. Fly Me To The Moon. Foggy, Foggy Rasas. Sekojiet drinkin "Ķirbis. Sekojiet blāzma. Pārtikas Glorious Food no Oliver. Muļķīgi Frog. adap. A Change. Baby. Bobby. Me And My Gal. Par Beauty Of The Earth. Četrdesmit stundu darba nedēļu. Četrdesmit piecus gadus. Četri spēcīgi vēji. Fox. Frankie un Džonijs. Free At Last. Free To Be You And Me. Brīvība ir pastāvīga cīņa. Freight Train. Brīvība. Franču Cathedral Round. Friendly Beasts. Draugi Forever. Froggie gāja Courtin ". Saldēti Logger. Funiculi, Funicula. Gallo Song. Atkritumi. Garden Song. Dārzkopība. Gay Spirit Moving. Domas ir bezmaksas. Gee amatpersona Krupke no West Side Story. Maiga Song. Geordie. George Fox Song. Geronimo ir Cadillac. Get Up and Go. Iepazīt jums no The King un I. Buldurēšana. Git Gar Little Dogies. Give Me Oil My Lamp. Dodiet Mani Sveicieni Broadway. Dodiet sev mīlēt. Priecīgs Be Woman. Gloucestershire Wassail. Iet uz leju Mozus. Iet pateikt to uz kalna. Iet uz Joan Glover. Iet uz darbu pirmdien. Dievs svētī zāli. God Bless The Moon. Dieva dāvana sievietēm. Goin 'Down The Road. Dodas uz Zoo. Golden Vanity. Aizgājuši, Gonna Rise Again. Good News. Labs Vecā Dora. Ardievu, John Wayne. Ardievas Thirty Foot Trailer. Goodnight Irene. Goodnight mīlošs Trail. Gospel izmaiņas. Gospel Ship. Valdība uz zirga. Pateicoties Life. Vectēva Pulkstenis. Lielā Silkie. Lielā vētra ir beidzies. Green Grass aug Visapkārt. Green Green Rocky Road. Green Grow izsitumi-o. Green Grow niedres. Zaļā Rollin 'Hills. Grenlandes zvejniecības. Grey piltuve Line. Guantanamera. Gum Song. Haida Haida. Hallelujah, es esmu pakaļa. Hallelujah Es esmu Travelin '. Pakārt pie Bell, Nellie. Laime Runs. Laimīgs Wanderer. Hard Vai nav tā Hard. Grūti Mīlestība. Cietā Lovin 'neveiksminieks. Hard Times Come Again No More. Grūti Ceļojumi. Harriet Tubman. Iemetienā prom Joe. Hava Nagila. Hava Nashira. Vai esat redzējuši Ghost Jāņa. Tur ir sieviete. Viņš nav smags viņš ir mans brālis. Viņš spēlēja Real Good for Free. Viņš ieguva visai pasaulei. Viņš ir mana Rock My Sword My Shield. Sadzīšana River. Sirds Like Wheel. Heart Of My Heart. Kamīna un Fire. Heat Wave. Heaven Help mums. Sveiki In Tur. Here Comes The Sun. Lūk, Cheshire. Lūk, Jums Rounders. Hevenu Shalom Alecheim. Hey Ho Neviens Sākums. Hey Look Me Over no Wildcat. Hei, tas nav veids, kā Say Goodbye. Hieland Laddie. Pakalni Isle Au Haut. Hineh Ma Tova. Nīlzirgs Song. Hobo s Lullaby. Pieturēties. Hole In Bucket. Holly Ann. Holly Bears Berry. Holly un efeja. Holy Ground. Home Again. Home uz Range. Mājup Bound. Homofobiju. Godu Zemi. Hoppity. Zirgu Nosaukts Bill. Karsts laiks Vecrīgā Tonight. House Of The Rising Sun. Mājsaimnieces Lament. Kā var Poor Man Stand šādos laikos un Live. Kā es varu saglabātu no dziedāšanas. Hug. Kuš Li'l Baby. Himna par Nāciju. Himna Krievijas Zemes. Himna Song. Man nav got nav mājās šajā pasaulē. Man tas nav Marchin 'vairs. I Am Savienības Woman. I Am Woman. I Am Acorn. Es esmu Mainot savu vārdu Chrysler. Es nevaru palīdzēt, bet brīnums. Es aplis ap. Es Nāc un Stand. Es varētu būt dejoja visu nakti rom My Fair Lady. Es neizvirzīja My Boy To Be Soldier. Es negribu, ka Jūsu Millions Mister. Es jūtu, ka esmu Fixin "To Die Rag. I Feel Pretty no West Side Story. Man kick no jums no Anything Goes. I Got apavi. Man bija mazliet mēteli. Man bija Gailis. I Just Called To Say Es mīlu Tevi. Es zinu, Old Lady. Es zinu, ka Kunga uzlika savas rokas uz Me. Es zinu, kur es esmu goin '. Man patīk Vecums I Am. Es dzīvoju pilsētā,. I Love Ziedi. Es nekad precēties. I.P.D. Es Ride Old Paint. Es apsēdos pie hercogienes uz tēju. Man ir Atbrīvots. I Still Miss Someone. Es domāju, ka tas ir Gonna Rain Šodien. I Wanna Be Dog. I Want a Girl tāpat kā meitene. Es celšos un iešu pie Jēzus. Es priekšgala un jābūt vienkāršam. I Wish I Were Little Thugar Bun. Es vēlos viņi Do It Now. Es ne Grow Up no Peter Pan. Es brīnums, kā es Klīst. adap. Es Fly Away. Es esmu Little Cookie. Es esmu Little Tējkanna. Es esmu Gonna Be inženieris. Es esmu Gonna Be Silly. Es esmu Gonna Do, ko Gars saka. Es esmu gonna pateikt par jums. Es esmu Gonna Wash, ka cilvēks tieši no My Hair no Klusā okeāna dienvidu daļā. Es esmu noskaņojumu. Es skatos četru lapu āboliņu. Es esmu My Own Grandpa. Es esmu par manu ceļu. Es esmu Sēžot uz augšu no pasaules. Es esmu tik Lonesome I Could Cry. Esmu bijis uz Londonu. Esmu strādājusi uz dzelzceļa. Man Sixpence. Man sanāca, ka prieks. Man jāzina. Ja kādreiz es varētu atstāt jūs no Camelot. Ja man bija Hammer. Ja man bija tikai smadzenes no The Wizard of Oz. Ja es būtu Featherbed. Ja es būtu bagāts vīrs no Fiddler uz jumta. Ja tas ir Magic. Ja Rosa Parks var iet cietumā. Ja mums ir tikai mīlestība. Ja jums nav mīlēt savu tuvāko. Ja Jūs Love Me. Ja Jūs Miss Me no autobusa aizmugurē. Ja Tu esi laimīgs un jūs to zināt. Iedomāties. A Little Spanish Town. Kristū Nekādu East Nor West. In My Life. Modes. Dārzā. Ar veco labo Summertime. Šajā pašā vidū. Iowa Valsis. Īrijas Balāde. Ļodzīgs Tickety Tin. Isle Au Haut Lullaby. Vai nav viņa jauki. Tas nāk ar Santehnika. Tas varētu būt Wonderful World. Tas varētu būt bijis ar mani. Tas ir ne Nice. Tas ir Long Long Way Tipperary. Tas ir Long Road to Freedom. Tas viss ir labi raudāt. Tas ir tikai Wee Wee. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jēkaba kāpnes. Jamaika Farewell. Java Jive. Jenny Gone Away. Jēzus Kristus. Jēzus Jēzus atpūtināt galvu. adap. Jēzus ne jūs nākt ar šeit. Džiga Gar mājām. Joan Nāc Kiss Me Now. Jock O'Hazeldean. Joe Hill. John B. Sails. adap. John Barleycorn. Džona Brauna Body. John Henry. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. John O'Dreams. John Riley. John Wayne Image. Johnny I Diez zināja Ye. Joseph Dearest. Joshua. Prieks ir kā lietus. Prieks un temperatūras. Juanita. Gavilēt. Jubileja. Julian of Norwich. Pusfabrikāti. Vienkārši Closer Walk ar Tevi. Džutas Mill Song. Kansas City no Oklahoma. Keep On The Sunny Side. Saglabāt Home ugunsgrēki dedzināšana. Keeper. Kentucky Babe. Kevin Barry. Kilkelly, Īrija. King Of The Road. Skūpsti saldāks, nekā Vīns. Kookabura. Kumbaya. L. Smejas Smejas. Puiši O "Fair. Ezeri Ponchetrain. Zeme, kur mēs nekad augt vecs. Saimnieks aizpildiet Plūstot Bowl. Pēdējā nakts man bija savādā Dream. Last Thing On My Mind. Lavender Blue. Lean On Me. Atspiedies uz mūžīgo ieroču. Let It Be. Let It Be Me. Let Me Call Jūs Sweetheart. Ļaujiet Zemākas Lights Keep Burning. Let Woman in You Come Through. Lai ir miers uz Zemes. Ļaujiet mums lauzt maizi kopā. Darīsim skaitļus Rumba. Let 's Get Together. Meli. Dzīve ir kā kalnu dzelzceļš. Lift katrs viedoklis. Lift Me Maiga Kungu. Gaismas atgriežas. Gaismas Viens Svece. Lighthouse. Little Bit of Light. Little Blue Top. Little Boxes. Little Brand New Baby. Little Brown Dog. Rudens līdz maijam - adap. Little Brown Jug. Little House. Little White Duck. Liverpool Lullaby. Lo Kā Rose. Loch Lomond. Lone Wild Bird. Vientuļš Ceļotājs. Vientuļš Valley. jaunā versija. Long Black Veil. Long Time Draugi. Paskaties uz cilvēkiem. Kungs Blow Moon Out. Lord Franklin. Kungs, es saņēmu Dziedāšana darīt. Kungs es gribu būt kristietis. Lord Of The Dance. Die Lorelei. Mīlestība aug pa vienam. Mīlestība ir Come Again. Mīlestība palīdzēs mums. Mīlestības Gonna Carry mums. Jauki Agnes. Lucretia Mott. LULLABYE. Kā kuģis. M.T.A. Dziesma. MacPherson atvadu. Burvju Penny. Pastu sevi ar jums. Mairi kāzām. Make Me palete. Iegūtu jaunus draugus. Mama NEĻAUJIET. Mammas Neļaujiet jūsu bērni izaugtu Cowboys. Cilvēks nonāk Ēģiptē. Man In The Middle. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Man On The Flying trapece. Man kuras ūdens strādniekiem Alus. Mandolin Man. Martin teica Viņa Man. Brīnišķīgs Toy. Mary Ellen Carter. Mary Got darbu. Mary Had a Baby. Mary Hamilton. Meistari šajā zālē. Mateja, Marka, Lūkas un Jāņa. Var Light of Love. Var Tur vienmēr būs Sunshine. Vīrieši no laukiem. Mercedes-Benz. Priecīgus Menuets. Mi Y'malel. Michael no kalniem. Michael Row Boat Krastā. Midnight Special. Migrantu Song. Mill tika izgatavots no marmora. Millworker. Mo'oz Tzur. Mole zemē. Moon River. Moonshadow. Vairāk Mīlestība. Vēl mēs kopā. Rīts nāk Early. Rīts ir Broken. Rīta Morgantown. Morningtown Ride. Moscow Nights. Bez mātes Bērnu. Mātes meitas Sievas. Motociklu Song. Mountain Dew. Mountain Song. Moving Day. Mr Bojangles. Suņ. adap. Mrs McGrath. Vairāki Saistība Blues. Mūzika Alone dzīvosim. Mans Blue Heaven. My Body. Mans Dame. Bija Lame Tame Crane. Mans Dreydl. Mans ticības nav ozola Personāls. Mans Tēvs. My Favorite Things no The Sound of Music. Mans Girl. Manas mājas ir Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. Mana dzimtā pilsēta. Mana zeme ir laba zeme. Mans Little Girl. Mans Kungs Ko Morning. Mana mamma ir Feministu. Mans Old Man. Mans Rainbow Race. Mans Rambling Boy. Mans degunradzis. My Sweet Wyoming Sākums. Nekad Turning Back. New Day. New River Vilciens. jaunā versija. New York, New York. Nicolia. Naktī viņi brauca Old Dixie leju. Nav viegli Walk to Freedom. Nē Hole in My Head. Ne cilvēka zemes. No More Izsoles Block. No More Genocide. Nē Nē Nē. Neviens nezina, Trouble es esmu redzējis. Neviens nezina, kad Jūs esat Down un Out. Northwest Passage. Jaunskotija Farewell. Tagad ir Cool diena. Tagad ļaujiet mums dziedāt. Tagad, Buffalo ir Gone. Tagad diena ir beigusies. Nekur Man. O Babe Tas nav nekādi meli. O Come Emmanuel. O Freedom. O tad es Golden Thread. O Hannukah. O, cik jauki ir vakars. O Joy Pēc šīs zemes. O Marija Vai jūs raudat. O, nē, John. O Susannah. O Kas skaista pilsēta. O Kas Beautiful Morning no Oklahoma. Auzas, zirņi, pupiņas, un mieži. Astoņkājis "Garden. Oklahoma no Oklahoma. Ol "Texas. Old Chisolm Trail. Vecais Dan Tucker. Old Devil laiks. Vecie Folks Mājās. Vecie draugi. Old simtdaļu. jaunā versija. Old Joe Clark. Old JP Viņš nav tas, ko viņš izmanto, lai būtu. Old MacDonald. jaunā versija. Old Rosin Beau. Old Kolonists Song. Old Time Religion. parodija. Oleanna. adap. Gada Ilkey Moor Bah T'at. Virsū Spageti. Vienreiz, lai katrs vīrietis un Nation. Viens Par būrī Bird. Viena pudele Pop. One Day At A Time. Viens smilšu grauds. Viena cilvēka rokās. Vēl viens solis. Kādu rītu maijā. Tikai Song. Oseh Shalom. Mūsu dzīve ir vairāk nekā mūsu darbs. Over pļava. Over My Head. Over the Rainbow no Wizard of Oz. Sakravāt savas bēdas. Pack Up Your Problēmas. Paddy uz dzelzceļa. Paradīze. Passing Through. Ganības Of Plenty. Patriots spēle. Miers ielejā. Miers ir. Miers plūst kā upe. Peace Tāpat River. Miers Round. Miers Song. Zemesriekstu sviests. Kūdras purvs Soldiers. Peggy-o. Penny Lane. Cilvēki Nesaskrāpē. Cilvēki kā jūs. Per Spelmann. Izvēlieties Bale kokvilnas. Piney Wood Hills. Vieta korī. Plaisir d'Amour. Patīkams un apburošs. Lūdzu Padoms Jūsu Viesmīle. Lūgšana Labradoras. Piesārņojums. Poor Mr Morgan. Jauda. Power and Glory. Prairie in the Sky. Lūgšana Svētā Franciska. Sludinātājs un Slave. Pie in the Sky. Sludinātājs gāja uz leju. Precious Draugs. Precious Lord. Precious Memories. Pretty Little Baby. Pretty Saro. adap. El Pueblo UNIDO. Dvesma. Magic Dragon. Likts uz savu veco Grey Bonnet. Put pirkstu Air. Liec savu roku rokā. Puttin "par Style. Uz Ramblin 'Rover. Sasniegt un pieskarties kāds ir roku. Rebel Girl. Red ir Rose. Red River Valley. Rhymes un iemesli. Rich Man And Poor Man. Mīkla Song. Ride-a-Cock Horse. Riding In My Car. Rigs no laika. Gredzens Ap Rosy Rag. Ring Jaunais gads. Rio Grande. Sprogoties. Rise Again. Celieties o FLAME. Rise Up Shepherd. Rising fāze. adap. Upe. River Gaismas. adap. Riverboat. Bābeles Rivers. Ceļu es paņēmu pie Tevis. Ceļš uz salām. Rock Island Line. Rock Me Roll mani. Rock Me To Sleep. Rock-My Soul. adap. Rocky Mountain High. Roddy Mccorley. Roll In My Sweet Baby Arms. Roll On Columbia. Roll Savienībai. Roll uz upi. Rollin 'Down Old Maui. Rollng Hills robežu. Ritošā Sākums. Gailis Song. Rooty taurēšana taurēšana par fāze. Rose Rose. Rose. Rosebud jūnijā. Roseville Fair. Royal Tālrunis. Gumijas pinkšķēt Vaļu. Palaist Nāciet redzēt Jeruzalemes. Runaway Shop Song. S-A-V-E-D. Sabats Lūgšana no Fiddler uz jumta. Droši Harbor. Sailin "Down šo zelta River. Buru Up, kuģošana Down. Jūrnieks lūgšanu. Saint James hospitālis. Sakura. Sāļš suns. Same Boat Tagad. San Francisco Bay Blues. Sāras Circle. Sarasponda. Apmierināts Mind. Scarborough Fair. Skotijas Burning. Dzenieties papriekš. Meklēt un jūs atradīsiet. Iesūtīt klaunu no A Little Night Music. Seneca Kanoe Song. Septembris Dziesma no Knickerbocker Holiday. Septiņas prieki Marijas. Septiņdesmit seši tromboniem no The Music Man. Shabat Shalom. Shady Grove. Krata Mani Sillies Out. Krata Sugaree. Krata šiem kauliem. Shaker Life. Shalom Chaverim. Shenandoah. Apspīdēt Harvest Moon. Kuģis Titāniks. Shortnin "Maize. Sick Note. Ietves Of New York. Vienkāršā Dāvanas. Tā kā jūs lūgts. Dziedāt līdzi. Dziedāt un priecājies. Dziedot mūsu dzīvē. Sinner Man. Māsa. Sisters Of Mercy. Sešpadsmit Tons. Pāriet uz My Lou. Skye Boat Song. Tik ilgi tas ir bijis labi jāzina YUH. Sodeo. Soft o'er Fountain. Saules Carol. Bright Morning Star. Solidaritāte Forever. Daži Enchanted Evening no Klusā okeāna dienvidu daļā. Kāds man pieskārās. Kādreiz Drīz. Kāds Love Me. Somerset Wassail. Kaut Sing Par. Kaut kur no West Side Story. Mēs esam Boat. Dziesma Judith. Song Of Peace. Song of the Soul. Sons Of. Fils De. Drīz Tas ir Gonna Rain no The Fantasticks. Sound Of Music no The Sound of Music. Skaņas Silence. Zupa Song. South Australia. Spāņu ir Living Tongue. Dieva Gars. Spirit dzīvā Dieva. Spoon River. Netīrība. Stagolee. Stand By Me. Standin "In Need Prayer. Zvaigzne County Down. Starlight uz sliedēm. Nozagt Away. Stealin 'Stealin'. Soli pa solim. Palielināt to Out Nancy. Stevens NEĻAUJIET. Stewball. Joprojām nav izpildīts. Stone Harbor Lullaby. Stouthearted Vīrieši, New Moon. Streets Of Laredo. Londonas ielās. Pētījumā War No More. Sumer ir Icumen In. Summertime no Porgijs un Besa. Saullēkts, saulriets no Fiddler uz jumta. Le Pont D'Avignon. Sussex Mummers Carol. Suzanne. Bezdelīga Song. Sweet Baby James. Sweet Hour lūgšanu. Salds un zemu. Saldie kartupeļi. Saldā dziesma par vakar. Sweet Sunny South. Peldēšana Song. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. T.V. Song. Taft Hartley Song. Take Me Home, lauku ceļiem. Take Me Out To The ballgame. Ņem šos Hands. Veikt šo Hammer. Tallis Canon. Tēja Divi no nē, nē, Nanette. Iemācīt saviem bērniem. Teddy Bears 'Picnic. Pastāsti man, es esmu Lovely Kad es saucu. Pasaki, kāpēc. Desmit Little Vardes. Piedāvājums Shepherd no Peter Pan. Tennessee Stud. Telšu Šovakar. Liecība. Pateicības Eve. Ka cēlonis var būt ne Aizmirsi Nor Palikusi. Tas ir tieši tam domāti draugi. Ir trīs brāļi. Tur Bet Fortune. Ir Tavern in Town. Tur bija Young Woman. Tur bija Roses. Tur būs pienācis laiks,. Tur ir caurums apakšā jūras. Tur Long Long Trail. Viņi sauc Wind Maria no Paint savu vagonu. Tie būs Comin 'Round Mountain. Izslāpis Zābaki. Tas Glorious Food. Šī zeme ir savu zemi. Šis Little Light. jaunā versija. Šis Old Earth. Šis Old Man. jaunā versija. Šis vilciens. adap. Šī pasaule nav Mans mājoklis. Tie bija laiki. Mest to ārā pa logu. Timiāns. Laiks ir veicis izmaiņas Manī. Laiks ir-Gettin 'Hard. The Times Tie ir-changin ". Tev nodziedāt. Apturēt vilcienu. Izmēģināt The Sun. Šodien. Toms Dūlijs. Rīt ir Long Time. Šovakar no West Side Story. Pārāk vecs, lai darba. The Tracks Of My Tears. No Lonseome Pine Trail. Līgumreisu uz ielas. Travelin "Man. Trouble In Mind. Truck braukšanai 'Woman. Mēģiniet atcerēties, no The Fantasticks. Tumbalalaika. Turn Around. Turn Back O Vīrietis Godspell. Turn, Turn, Turn. Pagrieziet Ye Man. Turn Your Radio On. Pagrieziena of the World. Pagrieziena uz rīta. Divpadsmit dienās pēc Ziemassvētkiem. Divi brāļi. Divi labi Arms. Divi Sleepy People. Tzena Tzena. UBI Caritas. Zem viena Sky. Savienība Maid. Universal Soldier. Līdz brīdim, kad ir pienācis laiks, lai jūs iet. Uz jumta. Mudināt Goin '. Gada Strathmore Valley. Vesper Hymn. Victor Jara. Vīnogulāju un Fig Tree. Vijolītes of Dawn. Viva La Cidoniju Brigada. Vive L'Amour. Vive La Kulinārija Maid. Balsis no kalniem. Wabash Cannonball. Wade In The Water. Pagaidiet Til spīd saule Nellie. Walk In Jerusalem. Staigāt gane WALK. Valsis Visā Texas. Waltzing Matilda. Waltzing ar Bears. Wanderin ". Nebija, ka laiks. Wassail Song. Ūdens ir Wide. Ūdenskritums. Waydy Bug un Wittle Woim. Ceļojošs Stranger. Veidus, kā cilvēks. Mēs visi esam viens Planet. Mēs veidojam Strong Savienību. Mēs esam Flow. Mēs varam strādāt It Out. Mums nav nepieciešams vīriešiem. Mēs naida redzēt viņiem iet. Mums ir nepieciešams visai daudz vairāk par Jēzu. Mēs nedrīkst pārvietot. Mēs Pārvarēt. Mēs to labāk saprastu pamazām. Mēs esam off redzēt Wizard no The Wizard of Oz. Valkāt to tik ilgi, cik jūs varat. Aust Me sauli. adap. Kāzu Banketu. Kāzu Song. Jūs bijāt Ir. Kas Uzvaras diena. Kas draugu, mēs esam Jēzum. Ko jūs mācīties skolā Today. Ko man darīt. Ko viņi ir darīts, lai lietus. Ko darīt, ja krievi nenāk. Kas World Needs Now. Ko darīt. Ko jūs ar to, ko Jūs esat Got. Ko būs man darīt ar šo bērnu-O. Kas ir, ka es dzirdēt. Riteņi ar autobusu. Ja visi tavi vārdi ir viens. Kad es pirmo reizi nāca uz šo zemi. Kad man vajadzēja kaimiņš. Kad es biju Fair Maid. Kad es esmu Gone. Kad es esmu Sixty-Four. Kad Īrijas Eyes Vai Smiling. Kad Jēzus raudāja. Kad Roll tiek izsaukta Tur pāri. Kad Saints Go Marching In. adap. Kad kuģis ienāk In. Kad jūs valkāja tulpe. Kur es varētu iet. Ja ir visas Ziedi Gone. Kur ir mīlestība. No Olivers. Kas Side Vai Tu. Whiffenpoos Song. Kamēr klejojošs caur parku. White Collar Holler. Baltās smiltis un Grey Sands. Kurš Built Ark. adap. Kurš ir Gonna Shoe Jūsu Pretty Little Foot. Kāpēc O Kāpēc. Kāpēc nevajadzētu My Goose. Wild Mountain Timiāns. Wild Rover. Wild West ir kur es gribu būt. Vai Circle Be Unbroken. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Willie no Winsbury. Willin ". Willing obligātais militārais. Winnsboro Kokvilnas Mull Blues. Witch Song. Ar mazliet luck no My Fair Lady. Ar nelielu palīdzību no My Friends. Dievam mūsu pusē. Pamodās Šorīt. Sieviete pie akas. adap. Jūsu Life Woman. Woman Viņa Hold Up. Brīnumains Mīlestība. Darbs audēju. Darba Girl Blues. World juku jukām. Noraizējies Man Blues. Tas nebūtu Loverly no My Fair Lady. Woyaya. Wraggle-Taggle čigāni. Wynken, Blynken un nod. Jā Ho Little Fish. Yellow Submarine. Vakar. Jums nav iet nekur. You Are My Sunshine. Jūs esat Sunshine Of My Life. Jūs varat aizvērt acis. Jūs varat saņemt, ja jūs tiešām vēlaties. Jūs nevarat Pasteidzies mīlestību. Jūs nevarat veikt Turtle Come Out. Jūs Aizpildiet diena. Jūs Gotta Go Down. You Were On My Mind. Jūs esat Got draugam. Jūs esat Really Got A Hold On Me. Jūsu Daughters un Jūsu Sons. Savu karogu Decal Vai nav Get You Into Heaven Anymore. Zum Gali Gali.