boots will help you now. Get up. She's run over the fields of glory, sha lah lah, cold rain is slapping across her face, sha lah lah. She's run over the fields of glory
There's a kid out on my corner hear him strumming like a fool Shivering in his dungarees but still he's going to school His cheeks are made of peach fuzz
stricken land The crimson birth that swamped the earth in dark and deadly dreams And all mankind did bow beneath the power of her hand And in the monastery garden
the earth in dark and deadly dreams And all mankind did bow beneath the power of her hand And in the monastery garden sat a woman with a book A manuscript
Wissler) Take a walk go downtown move slowly and take care Look around and think about it, what they tell you everywhere Monuments of glory, monuments
will help you now. Get up. She's run over the fields of glory, sha lah lah, cold rain is slapping across her face, sha lah lah. She's run over the fields of glory
be cool like in the garden again Jesus will pardon your sin Trust me dog-Satan is hardly your friend I write rhymes-I do my part with my pen Eagerly anticipating glory
Tulkojums: Fool's Garden. Slava.
where's the glory? Walking so tall with your head held high. You're in the public eye with cool things to say. I don't have the time to deal with fools