Take me from this land I deliver thee from this agony A storm to cleanse thee Mine is the right to be Maelstrom of the everlost This is the curse of
Through seven songs of rejoice His name relives his solar voice Falling into the unknown Yet he shall feel no harm Lights shine upon his face Night
atmosphere Take me from this land "I deliver thee from this agony A storm to cleanse thee" Mine is the right to be Maelstrom of the everlost This is
Tulkojums: In Flames. Everlost.
Tulkojums: In Flames. Everlost (II daļa).
Tulkojums: In Flames. Everlost (I daļa).
: Through seven songs of rejoice His name relives his solar voice Falling into the unknown Yet he shall feel no harm Lights shine upon his face Night
[Music: Pisano / Barton / Rossetti, Lyrics: Pisano] Carry on, confide with reason, behold creation watch the heavens fall Torn, divide and conquer,