removed slowly to increase the pain heads beaten with hammers knee cape pulverized the lungs choked with burning excrement a celebration of death by witness
Denying the crimes of which you?vebeen found guilty bound hand and foot to the table a mouse filled bowl overturned on the stomach trapping the rodents
Wires drawn tightly around the fingers until they become one solid mass separated again by wedges others sawn in half bound to the framework with thin
Luring the unsuspecting young to his private chambers quickly seized stripped then hung a man of the church and political power reassuring no harm to
Searched for the devils mark cord wrenched around the head chained to the wall of the cell witches bridle forced inside, prevented from rest a bodkin
Led By a cleargyman to your place of final occupate turned facing the crowd the executioner approaches dressed in black bloodthirsty audience awaits
Hanging high above the Inquisitors gathered below ropes and shackles twitch in anicipation placed upon the throne designed not for rules but the sinful
Sewn into the skin of wolves to be mangled by savage dogs awakened by the scent of fear frenzied by the taste of blood disfigured survivours attemt escape
Carried from whence you came drawn upon a hurdle to the place of execution led upon the blood-soaked platform lying amongst scattered limbs while beaten
on the body still swaying encaged for one thousand days then removed and given to the family,the cage prepared for the next guest hoisted up awaiting a slow death
Struck in the back of the head driven by an unquenchable urge to kill blood flows over the shoulders multiple blows inflicting mortal wounds left lifeless