фонари качаются. Мысли посторонние, лишние, не новые. И потусторонние, заводные клоуны. Заводные клоуны, синие и красные. Заводные клоуны и слова напрасные
Can you see me now? Can you see me now? Can you see? All this weeping in the air who can tell where it will fall? Through floating forests in the air
ogon'ki privychnye gasnut' I konchayutsya tol'ko bezrazlichnye fonari kachayutsya mysli postaronnie lishnie ne novye I potustaronnie zavodnye klouny
Poprosi menya'. Ogon'ki privychnye Gasnut i konchayutsya. Tol'ko bezrazlichnye, Fanari kochayutsya Mysli postoronnie Lishnie ne novye I potustaronnie
Can u see me now? Can u see me now? Can u see? All this weeping in the air, I can tell were about to fall through floating forests in the air Across
Tulkojums: Tatu. Klauni (Jūs varat redzēt Me Now).
Tulkojums: Tatu. Klaunu.
Tulkojums: Tatu. Klouny (Klauni).
Tulkojums: Tatu. Klauni (var Verme Ya?.
: Poprosi menya'. Ogon'ki privychnye Gasnut i konchayutsya. Tol'ko bezrazlichnye, Fanari kochayutsya Mysli postoronnie Lishnie ne novye I potustaronnie
: Can u see me now? Can u see me now? Can u see? All this weeping in the air, I can tell were about to fall through floating forests in the air Across