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Tulkojums: The Carpenters. Bob Morrison , Johnny Wilson. EMI Music Publishing. Angļu. Solero. Plāns. Vokāls. Akordi.
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Tulkojums: Real Little Best Fake Book Ever - 3rd Edition - C Edition. Colors of the Wind. Putekļi in the Wind. Linus un Lucy.
Tulkojums: Best Fake Book Ever - Bb 2nd Edition. Polinēzijas, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80 's un '90s, singalongs.
Tulkojums: Best Fake Book Ever - 2nd Edition - Eb Edition. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Svece in the Wind. Colors of the Wind.
Tulkojums: Best Fake Book Ever - C Edition - 4th Edition. Theme From "Schindler 's List". Krāsas Of The Wind. Garden In The Rain.