Tulkojums: Visa Booke of Psalmes. Grudge not to see the wicked men. Put me not to rebuke O Lord. Do not O God refrain thy tongue.
Tulkojums: Hymn Fake Book - C Edition. Turn Your Eyes Jēzu. I Hills pacels My Eyes. Ļaujiet mums lūgtu Faith Alone. Dažādas.
Tulkojums: Uzslava. Turn Your Eyes Jēzu. Dievs un Dievs Alone. Kristū Alone. Jūs Alone. Jēzu, Tu Alone. Dažādas.
Tulkojums: Real Little Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition. Alone At The Drive-In Movie. Atgriezties ar pašu izskatu In Your Eyes.
Tulkojums: Alone At The Drive-In Movie. Atgriezties ar pašu izskatu In Your Eyes. In Buddy's Eyes. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.