
Vārdi: Hugh Laurie. Protest Song.

Well the poor keep gettin' hungry, and the rich keep gettin' fat.
Politicians change, but they're never gonna change that.

But you and me girl, we got the answer right in our hands--
All we gotta do is asd#$fwsfasdf3fl

Well the winds of war are blowin', and the tide is comin' in.
Don't you be hoping for the good times, because the good times have already been.

But girl we got the answer, so easy you won't believe--
All we gotta do is dwqw$@asdfasl#$s

It's so easy to see;
If only they'd listen to you and me.

We gotta fgyfgwgwgw as fast as we can.
We gotta dqw#v#vvy$ every woman every man.

We gotta @#$f@#gg# time after time.
We gotta @3ff@#$r3 lager and lime.

Well the world is gettin' weary, and it wants to go to bed.
Everyone is dyin', 'cept the ones that are already dead.

The answer we're all seekin' is starin' us right in the face.

All we gotta do is...

All we gotta do is...

All we gotta do is...