
Vārdi: Brandon Rhyder. I Can't Hang On.

Molly Jane is twenty three,
And she?s graduating from college today
After five long years
She?s ready to be on her own, go out and have a little fun
And not answer, to anyone
Make no mistake about it, she still thinks of him
Right now, she?s wondering where he is
He said move on, I can?t hang on
If you won?t meet me in the middle, on solid ground
Tell me what?s wrong, give me something I can work on
But if all you?ve got is you need some time alone
I can?t hang on
Molly Jane is finding out, that life all alone
Is highly over rated.
Every guy she goes out with, she compares to him
And she knows that?s not fair
She wants so bad to call him, she?s staring at the phone
But she?s afraid to find out, that he?s already gone
She dials up his number, like she?s done a million times
But another voice answers, on the other end of the line
It was the voice of Becky Martin, Molly Jane?s ex best friend
You see when Molly moved out, Becky moved in
Brandon Rhyder