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A Case of You by Diana Krall. - Digital Sheet Music.


Case of You Diana Krall. - Digitālā Sheet Music.


Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. F3-D5. MN0046739_D2. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. A Case of You. Diana Krall. Bb Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 3. 5 based on 1 customer reviews. "I purchased the Diana Krall "A case of you" but what I got was the original Joni Mitchell. continued. see review. Just before our love got lost, you said I am as constant as the northern star and I said "Constant in the darkness where's that at, if you want me I'll be in the bar. C Major. Song. Moderato. q 93. Jazz. Ballads. Standards. American Popular Song. Joni Mitchell. 1971. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Diana Krall - Live In Paris. Live In Paris. View All.


Plāns. Vokāls. Ģitāra. Balss, diapazons. F3-D5. MN0046739_D2. Satur pilnīgu lyrics. Savienojams. Case of You. Diana Krall. Bb Major. Musicnotes Kas Tas. Musicnotes File. Uzreiz drukājams digitālās nošu plus PC savietojamu interaktīvas, lejupielādējama nošu failu. Nominālā 3. 5 pamatojoties uz 1 klientu vērtējumus. "Es iegādājās Diana Krall" gadījumā no jums ", bet tas, ko es saņēmu bija sākotnējais Joni Mitchell. turpināja. sk atsauksmi. Tieši pirms mūsu mīlestība pazuda, jūs teicāt, es esmu kā nemainīgs kā ziemeļu zvaigzne, un es teicu "Constant tumsā Kur ir, ka, ja tu gribi es būšu bārā. C Major. Dziesma. Mērens. Q 93. Džezs. Balādes. Standarti. American Popular Song. Joni Mitchell. 1971. Alfred Publishing Co, Inc. Diana Krall - Live In Paris. Live In Paris. Skatīt visu.