Notis $25.18
Nicola LeFanu. Penny For A Song For Soprano. Sheet Music. Soprano and Piano. SOP. PFA. Nicola LeFanu. --.
Nicola LeFanu. Penny For A Song For Soprano. Sheet Music. Soprāns un klavierēm. SOP. PFA. Nicola LeFanu. --.
This piece is scored for Soprano and Piano. A Penny for a Song was written in Autumn 1981 for Penny Price Jones and Philip Martin, who commissioned it with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. It consists of ten songs, prefaced by a piano piece, which acts as a refrain, heard again between Nos. 6 and 7, and before the last song. All the texts are miniatures. some are haiku, a Japanese Zen poetic form, and they all have in common a number of Haiku characteristics, such as vivid imagery, seasonal or natural, and allusive brevity. The poems are small, but they have a resonance extending far beyond themselves. Zen artists love to play with space. through a few brush strokes they conjure up a world of detail. they suggest infinitely expanding space through the implications of a few lines on a nearly empty background. This has been my approach in the music of A Penny for a Song. The songs are fleeting, momentary. they are echoes of a world that is always there if we stop to listen for it.
This piece is scored for Soprano and Piano. A Penny for a Song was written in Autumn 1981 for Penny Price Jones and Philip Martin, who commissioned it with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. Tā sastāv no desmit dziesmām, kuras priekšvārdā klavieru gabals, kas darbojas kā refrēns, dzirdēju atkal starp 6 numuriem. Un 7, un pirms pēdējās dziesmas. Visi teksti ir miniatūras. daži ir haiku, japāņu Zen dzejas formā, un tie visi ir kopīgs vairākas Haiku īpašības, piemēram, spilgta tēlainība, sezonas vai fiziska, un norādošs īsuma. Šie dzejoļi ir mazi, bet tie ir rezonanse pagarina tālu aiz sevi. Zen mākslinieki patīk spēlēt ar kosmosa. caur pāris triepienu tie uzburt pasauli detalizēti. Tie liecina, bezgalīgi paplašinot telpu caur ietekmi dažas rindiņas par gandrīz tukšā fona. Šī ir mana pieeja mūzikas santīma par dziesmu. Dziesmas ir īslaicīgs, īslaicīgs. tās ir atbalsis pasaulē, kas ir vienmēr tur, ja mēs pārtrauktu klausīties par to.