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Pierre Max Dubois. 48 Easy And Progressive Studies - Volume 2. Saxophone. Sheet Music. Saxophone. SAX. Pierre Max Dubois.


Pierre Max Dubois. 48 Easy And Progressive Studies - Volume 2. Saksofons. Sheet Music. Saksofons. Saksofons. Pierre Max Dubois.


This is the second volume of progressive Saxophone pieces by Pierre Max Dubois, featuring studies 25 - 48. The melodies are written in a wide range of styles, offering the intermediate player the opportunity to master a comprehensive set of techniques and skills. Unlike other studies, the emphasis here is upon musicality and melodic interest, rather than the simple repetition of motor skills, and each piece is perfectly suited to solo recital or festival performance.


This is the second volume of progressive Saxophone pieces by Pierre Max Dubois, featuring studies 25 - 48. Šīs melodijas ir rakstīti plašu stilu, piedāvājot Starpniekinstitūcija spēlētājam iespēju apgūt visaptverošu kopumu, paņēmienu un prasmju. Atšķirībā no citiem pētījumiem, uzsvars šeit ir uz muzikalitāti un melodisku interesēm, nevis vienkārša atkārtošana motoriku, un katrs gabals ir ideāli piemērota solo apsvērumu vai festivāla sniegumu.