
Notis $25.18


Philippe Gaubert. Romance for Flute and Piano. Sheet Music. Flute, Piano, Score. FLT. PF. SCORE. Philippe Gaubert.


Philippe Gaubert. Romance flautai un klavierēm. Sheet Music. Flauta, Piano, Score. FLT. PF. SCORE. Philippe Gaubert.


Philippe Gaubert. 1879-1941. was a distinguished performer on the Flute. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that his compositions for the instrument are at the forefront of the Flute's repertoire, Romance being no exception. After a prominent career as a flautist with the Paris Opéra, he was appointed as professor of Flute at the Paris Conservatoire, as well as principal conductor of leading orchestras. It was during this time that Gaubert composed, including his Romance which premiered in 1905. Addressing many technical features, including flourishing semiquaver passages, a wide range, emotion, intervals, chromaticism and complex rhythms, Romance for Flute and Piano is a challenging yet riveting and stirring piece for aspiring flautists.


Philippe Gaubert. 1879-1941. bija atšķirt izpildītājs uz Flute. Tas nav nekāds pārsteigums, tāpēc, ka viņa kompozīcijas instrumenta ir priekšgalā flauta repertuāra, Romance ir nav izņēmums. Pēc ievērojamu karjeru kā flautists ar Parīzes Opéra, viņš tika iecelts par profesors flauta pie Parīzes konservatorijā, kā arī galvenais diriģents vadošajiem orķestriem. Tas bija šajā laikā, ka Gaubert sastāvā, tostarp viņa Romance kura pirmizrāde 1905. Uzrunājot daudzas tehniskas funkcijas, tai skaitā plaukstošu semiquaver fragmenti, plašu, emocijām, intervāliem, chromaticism un sarežģītiem ritmiem, Romance flautai un klavierēm ir sarežģīts vēl kniedēm un maisot gabals topošajiem flautists.