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Philip Venables. Four Metamorphoses After Britten. Clarinet. Sheet Music. Clarinet. CLT. Philip Venables.
Philip Venables. Četri Metamorfozes Pēc Britten. Klarnete. Sheet Music. Klarnete. CLT. Philip Venables.
Metamorphoses after Britten was written for Melinda Maxwell, for UYMP's Signals volume of new music for Oboe. It was first performed by Melinda at York University on 24th November 2010. Metamorphoses after Britten by philipvenables. I - A Mountain. II - Fixation. III - Flowers. IV - Fountains. "Metamorphoses after Britten are just that. four miniatures, each inspired by one of Benjamin Britten’s Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe. Each movement, over its short course, transforms gradually from one thing to another, ending, with the exception of Fountains, in a short, cathartic coda. Some of the movements also take specific musical elements from Britten’s pieces. I very much viewed these pieces as musical Haiku, and in that sense I hope they embody a sense of peace, brevity and simplicity. The oboe version of Metamorphoses after Britten is dedicated to Melinda Maxwell. The saxophone version of Metamorphoses after Britten, with an additional movement, is dedicated to Vicki and Andrew Vaughan". - Philip Venables.
Metamorfozes pēc Britena tika rakstīts Melindas Maxwell, lai UYMP signālus apjoma jaunās mūzikas obojai. Ko Melinda Vispirms tika veikta York University gada 24. novembris 2010. Metamorfozes pēc Britena pa philipvenables. I - Mountain. II - fiksācija. III - Ziedi. IV - Strūklakas. "Metamorfozes pēc Britena ir tikai, ka. četras miniatūras, katrs iedvesmojoties no viena no Bendžamina Britena Six metamorfozes pēc OVID solo obojai. Katra kustība, par tās īso protams, pamazām pārveido no viena lieta uz citu, beidzas, izņemot Strūklakas, īsā, caurejas CODA. Daži no kustībām arī veikt īpašus mūzikas elementus no Britena gabaliem. Es ļoti skatoties šos gabalus kā mūzikas Haiku, un šajā ziņā es ceru, ka viņi iemieso sajūtu miera, īsuma un vienkāršības. Oboja versija metamorfozes pēc Britena ir veltīta Melindas Maxwell. Saksofons versija metamorfozes pēc Britena, ar papildu kustību, ir veltīta Vicki un Andrew Vaughan ". - Philip Venables.