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Picture Sheet Music by Sheryl Crow.
Picture Sheet Music by Sheryl Crow.
Sheryl Crow , R. J. Ritchie. Sheryl Crow , Kid Rock. Alfred Publishing Co.. 0-7579-1954-5. Guitar Tab. Vocal. Solero. Livin' my life in a slow hell, diff'rent girl ev'ry night at the hotel. I put yore picture away. Sat down and cried today. English.
Sheryl Crow, R. J. Ritchie. Sheryl Crow , Kid Rock. Alfred Publishing Co.. 0-7579-1954-5. Guitar Tab. Vokāls. Solero. Livin' my life in a slow hell, diff'rent girl ev'ry night at the hotel. I put yore picture away. Sat down and cried today. Angļu.