
Notis $9.39


Helen Marlais. Energize Your Fingers Every Day - Book 2A. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Helen Marlais. Timothy Brown.


Helen Marlais. Rosinām pirkstus katru dienu - Book 2A. Sheet Music. Plāns. PF. Helen Marlais. Timothy Brown.


Use Energize Your Fingers Every Day to develop correct technique from the very beginning. The books in this series by Helen Marlais with Timothy Brown are filled with short, patterned exercises with explicit “how to” tips that will help you to build technical skills that can be used with all Piano methods. Each technical goal is written under the title of each 4-8 measure piece i. balance between the hands, weight transfer, flexible wrists, strong fingers, etc. The key signatures of C, G, F and D major appear throughout the book with suggestions for transposition. The appealing art and brevity of each day’s exercise will result in tension-free technique for any student.


Use Energize Your Fingers Every Day to develop correct technique from the very beginning. The books in this series by Helen Marlais with Timothy Brown are filled with short, patterned exercises with explicit “how to” tips that will help you to build technical skills that can be used with all Piano methods. Each technical goal is written under the title of each 4-8 measure piece i. balance between the hands, weight transfer, flexible wrists, strong fingers, etc. The key signatures of C, G, F and D major appear throughout the book with suggestions for transposition. The appealing art and brevity of each day’s exercise will result in tension-free technique for any student.