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The Artful Dodgers. Mary Donnelly. Choir sheet music.


Viltīgs Dodgers. Mary Donnelly. Kora notis.


The Artful Dodgers composed by Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid. For Choral. Score. Shawnee Press. 56 pages. Shawnee Press #U0076. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35001279. ISBN 1423484819. 8.5x11 inches. Looking for an easy, yet fun, musical for spring project. Meet the Danville Dodgers, a little league team whose members don't have tickets for the big baseball game in town. Donnelly and Strid have placed the Oliver Twist scenario into today's world with brilliant success by crafting a delightful musical for middle school and upper elementary performers. The basic plot objective of winning a poster contest with baseball tickets as the prize forces the Danville Dodgers and friends into cooperating and learning to work together to reach the group's goal. Grade Level. 6-9. Performance time. approx. 35 minutes. I'M GOIN TO A BASEBALL GAME. I'VE GOT CONFIDENCE IN ME. Teamwork. THE DANVILLE DODGERS RAP. Tomorrow Is Another Day. WE ARE THE WINNERS.


Viltīgs Dodgers sastāvā Mary Donnelly un George LO Strid. Par kora. Punktu skaits. Shawnee Press. 56 pages. Shawnee Press #U0076. Publicējusi Shawnee Press. HL.35001279. ISBN 1423484819. 8.5x11 collas. Meklē vieglu, bet jautri, mūziklu pavasara projektam. Meet: Danville Dodgers, nedaudz līgas komanda, kuras dalībniekiem nav biļetes uz lielo beisbola spēle pilsētā. Donnelly un strid laiduši Oliver Twist scenāriju par šodienas pasauli ar lielisku panākumus ar crafting apburošs mūziklu par vidusskolā un augšējo elementāro izpildītājiem. Bāzes zemes gabals mērķis uzvarēt plakātu konkurss ar beisbola biļetes kā balvu spēkiem ar DANVILLE Dodgers un draugiem sadarboties, un mācīties strādāt kopā, lai sasniegtu grupas mērķi. Grade Level. 6-9. Izpildes. apm. 35 minūtes. I'M GOIN TO A BASEBALL GAME. I'VE GOT CONFIDENCE IN ME. Kopīgs darbs. THE DANVILLE DODGERS RAP. Rīt ir citu dienu. WE ARE THE WINNERS.
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