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Open Chord Rock. Various. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Atvērt Akords Rock. Dažādas. Ģitāra Tablature nošu.


Open Chord Rock. Essential Elements Guitar Songs. By Various. For Guitar. Essential Elements Guitar. Softcover with CD. Guitar tablature. 40 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.1138. ISBN 1423433416. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. The Essential Elements Guitar Songs Series will help you play your favorite rock songs faster and easier than ever before. Each song has been carefully selected and arranged to include only basic, open guitar chords such as C, G and D so it is playable for beginning guitarists. Just follow the notes and tab, listen to the CD to hear how the guitar should sound, and then play along using the separate sound-alike backing tracks. The melody and lyrics are also included in the book in case you want to sing, or to simply help you follow along. The audio CD is playable on any CD player, and for PC and Mac computer users, the CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing pitch. 8 songs that mid-beginners will love to learn, including. Brown Eyed Girl. Bye Bye Love. Don't Be Cruel. To a Heart That's True. Have You Ever Seen the Rain. Learning to Fly. Love Me Do. Should I Stay or Should I Go. Willie and the Hand Jive. Learning To Fly. Brown Eyed Girl. Bye Bye Love. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Love Me Do. Should I Stay Or Should I Go. Willie and the Hand Jive. Have You Ever Seen the Rain.


Atvērt Akords Rock. Essential Elements Guitar Songs. Dažādi. Ģitāra. Essential Elements Guitar. Paperback ar CD. Ģitāra Tablature. 40 pages. Publicējusi Hal Leonard. HL.1138. ISBN 1423433416. Ar ģitāru tablature. 9x12 collas. The Essential Elements Guitar Songs Series will help you play your favorite rock songs faster and easier than ever before. Katra dziesma ir rūpīgi atlasīti un izvietotas tā, lai iekļautu tikai pamata, atvērtos ģitāras akordi, piemēram, C, G un D tāpēc ir spēlei iesācējiem ģitāristi. Vienkārši sekojiet piezīmes un cilnes, klausīties CD dzirdēt, kā ģitāra jāskan, un pēc tam spēlēt kopā, izmantojot atsevišķas skaņu līdzīgi pamatni dziesmas. Melodiju un dziesmu tekstus arī ir iekļauti šajā grāmatā, ja jūs vēlaties, lai dziedāt, vai vienkārši palīdzēs jums sekot līdzi. Audio CD ir spēlei par jebkuru CD atskaņotājs, un PC un Mac datoru lietotājiem, CD ir uzlabota, lai jūs varētu pielāgot ierakstīšanu uz jebkuru tempo nemainot piķi. 8 dziesmas, mid-iesācējiem patiks mācīties, tostarp. Brown Eyed Girl. Bye Bye Mīlestība. Nevajag nežēlīgu. Pie sirds tas ir taisnība. Vai esat kādreiz redzējuši šo Rain. Mācīšanās Fly. Love Me Do. Vai man palikt vai man vajadzētu iet. Willie un Hand Jive. Mācīties lidot. Brown Eyed Girl. Bye Bye Mīlestība. Nevajag nežēlīgu. Uz sirds, kas ir taisnība. Love Me Do. Ja es uzturēšanās vai man vajadzētu iet. Willie un Hand Jive. Vai esat kādreiz redzējuši šo Rain.