Notis $1.85
Come Away to the Skies. A Cappella sheet music. Advanced.
Jāiet prom uz debesīm. Cappella notis. Uzlabots.
Come Away to the Skies composed by David L. Mennicke. For SATB choir divisi. a cappella. Easter, Ascension. Moderately Difficult. Octavo. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers. MN.50-9098. Voicing. SSATB a cappella. Familiar Charles Wesley text. Brevity and energetic tempo make it effective in a concert setting as an opening or closing piece. Also in festival worship service. particularly in Eastertide. as an Introit, a response to a Lesson, or a Gospel procession.
Come Away to the Skies composed by David L. Mennicke. Par SATB kora divisi. a cappella. Lieldienas, Debesbraukšanas. Mēreni grūti. Astotais. Publicējusi Morningstar Music Publishers. MN.50-9098. Paužot. SSATB a cappella. Familiar Charles Wesley text. Brevity and energetic tempo make it effective in a concert setting as an opening or closing piece. Also in festival worship service. particularly in Eastertide. as an Introit, a response to a Lesson, or a Gospel procession.