
Notis $24.95


Praise Power for Kids. Choir sheet music. Glockenspiel sheet music. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Slavēt Power for Kids. Kora notis. Glockenspiel notis. Skandējot zvanu notis. Perkusijas notis. Klavieru pavadīšana notis.


Praise Power for Kids. Reproducible Activity Songs for Children. Composed by Carol Duebber. Arranged by Joanne Swanson. For unison choir, piano. with optional windchimes. chime tree. , 2-3 octave handbells, flute, glockenspiel, small percussion, finger snaps. Choral collection. Sacred, Choral. Book and performance. accompaniment CD. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.30-2271L. Pooling their talent and years of experience as music educators and children's choir directors, Carol Duebber and Joanne Swanson have collaborated to create a wonderful resource for Sunday School and children's choirs. In addition to fourteen creative and age-appropriate songs, specific activities and suggestions for others are included for each. Reproducible pages are also included. Bible stories, seasonal pieces and songs written especially for children to sing and enjoy--it's all here, complete with a Performance. Accompaniment CD. "Praise Power for Kids" is an invaluable resource for all who are involved in singing with and teaching children in your church. Take Care of God's World. Lullaby Prayer. Miracles. Lullaby for Christmas Eve. Ringing Joy for Baby Jesus. The Noah Song. Jesus' Disciples. Angel Round. Get Together. The Angel's Song. He Came to Bring Us Love. Jonah. He Is Coming. When You Look at a Rainbow.


Slavēt Power for Kids. Reproducējamas Aktivitāte dziesmas bērniem. Sastādījis Carol Duebber. Organizēja Joanne Swanson. Par Unison kora, klavieru. ar izvēles Windchimes. piebalsot koks. , 2-3 oktāvas handbells, flauta, Glockenspiel, mazie perkusijas, pirkstu snaps. Koru kolekcija. Svēta, Kora. Grāmatu un veiktspēju. pavadījums CD. Publicējusi Lorenz Publishing. LO.30-2271L. Apvienojot savus talantus un gadu pieredze mūzikas pedagogiem un bērnu koru direktoriem, Carol Duebber un Joanne Swanson ir sadarbojušās, lai izveidotu brīnišķīgu resursu svētdienas skolas un bērnu koru. Papildus četrpadsmit radošu un vecumam atbilstošu dziesmu, īpašas darbības un ieteikumus citi ir iekļauti katrai. Reproducējamas lapas ir iekļauti arī. Bībeles stāsti, sezonas gabalus un dziesmas rakstīts īpaši bērniem dziedāt un baudīt - tas viss ir šeit, komplektā ar Performance. Pavadījums CD. . Rūpēties par Dieva pasaulē. Šūpuļdziesma Lūgšana. Brīnumi. Šūpuļdziesma Ziemassvētku vakars. Zvana prieks Baby Jēzus. Noah Song. Jēzus mācekļi. Angel Round. Sanākt kopā. Eņģeļa dziesma. Viņš nāca, lai atnestu mums patīk. Jonah. Viņš ir Coming. Ja paskatās Rainbow.