
Notis $5.25


Viva La Vida. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Viva La Vida. Skandējot zvanu notis. Perkusijas notis.


Viva La Vida composed by Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion & Chris Martin. Coldplay. Arranged by Kevin McChesney. For 3-5 octave handbell choir with optional rhythm. Secular. Level 3. Handbell score. 12 pages. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.2624. Last year we had a hit with the Keith Richards' arrangement of Coldplay's, "Clocks. " Kevin McChesney follows that up with another Coldplay title in an arrangement that begins with easy-to-master malleted patterns, and builds with excitement as the melody soars in the treble bells. Optional parts for Guitar, Bass, Drums, and Synth will add authenticity to the performance, creating a sure fire hit for younger audiences.


Viva La Vida veido Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion. Coldplay. Organizēja Kevin McChesney. 3-5 oktāvas Skandējot zvanu koris ar izvēles ritmu. Laicīgs. Līmenis 3. Skandējot zvanu rezultāts. 12 pages. Publicējusi Hope Publishing. HP.2624. Pagājušajā gadā mums bija hit ar Kīts Ričardss "vienošanās par Coldplay 's," Pulksteņu. "Kevin McChesney izriet, ka līdz ar citu Coldplay titulu vienošanos, kas sākas ar viegli-to-master malleted modeļus, un būvē ar aizrautību, jo melodiju paceļas uz trīskāršot zvani. Izvēles daļas ģitāra, bass, bungas, un synth papildinās autentiskumu sniegumu, radot pārliecināts, ka uguns hit jaunākiem skatītājiem.