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Big Book of Violin Songs. Various. Violin Solo sheet music.
Liels vijole Dziesmu grāmata. Dažādas. Violin Solo notis.
Big Book of Violin Songs composed by Various. For Violin. Instrumental Folio. Softcover. 144 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.842214. ISBN 1423426703. 9x12 inches. Instrumentalists will love these collections of 130 popular solos, including. Another One Bites the Dust. Any Dream Will Do. Bad Day. Beauty and the Beast. Breaking Free. Clocks. Edelweiss. God Bless the U.S.A.. Heart and Soul. I Will Remember You. Imagine. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Satin Doll. United We Stand. You Raise Me Up. and more. Theme From 'Schindler's List'. Colors Of The Wind. I Will Remember You. All My Loving. Butterfly Kisses. Barely Breathing. Don't Speak. Alley Cat. My Heart Will Go On. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. Let's Stay Together. Jump, Jive An' Wail. America. Livin' La Vida Loca. All The Small Things. Another One Bites The Dust. Fallin'. Any Dream Will Do. A Thousand Miles. Clocks. You Raise Me Up. She Will Be Loved. The Way You Move. Stacy's Mom. Here Without You. Be True To Your School. It's A. Beautiful Morning. Beauty And The Beast. Beyond the Sea. Blackbird. Blue Suede Shoes. It's My Life. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. We Belong Together. The Brady Bunch. Bad day. Breaking Free. Cabaret. California Dreamin'. Candle In The Wind. Chim Chim Cher-ee. They Long To Be. Close To You. Come Fly With Me. Copacabana. At The Copa. Do Wah Diddy Diddy. Do-Re-Mi. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Drift Away. Duke Of Earl. Edelweiss. Every Breath You Take. Everything Is Beautiful. Fields of Gold. Fly Like An Eagle. For Once In My Life. Forever Young. Fun, Fun, Fun. God Bless The U.S.A. Gonna Build A Mountain. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Green Green Grass Of Home. Happy Days. Have I Told You Lately. Heart And Soul. Hogan's Heroes March. I Dreamed a Dream. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Say A Little Prayer. I Whistle A Happy Tune. I Write The Songs. I'm Popeye the Sailor Man. If I Ever Lose My Faith In You. Imagine. It's Still Rock And Roll To Me. Jailhouse Rock. Joy To The World. Kansas City. Kokomo. Let 'Em In. Like A Rock. Love And Marriage. Love Story. Maggie May. Making Our Dreams Come True. Maybe I'm Amazed. Michelle. Mickey Mouse March. Mission. Impossible Theme. Mister Sandman. Moon River. My Way. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. On Broadway. Peppermint Twist. Pocketful Of Miracles. Puff The Magic Dragon. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. Rock Around The Clock. Rock With You. Satin Doll. Save The Best For Last. Sing. Sittin' On. The Dock Of The Bay. So Long, Farewell. Somewhere Out There. Spanish Flea. Sunrise, Sunset. Take My Breath Away. Love Theme. Theme From E.T.. The Extra-Terrestrial. This Land Is Your Land. Those Were The Days. Time After Time. Tomorrow. Top of the World. Twist And Shout. Unchained Melody. Under the Boardwalk. United We Stand. We are the World. What The World Needs Now Is Love. With A Little Help From My Friends. Wonderful Tonight. Wooly Bully. Yellow Submarine. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You've Got A Friend. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. The Girl From Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.
No vijole Dziesmu Big Book sastāvā Various. Vijolei. Instrumentālā Folio. Paperback. 144 lappuses. Publicējusi Hal Leonard. HL.842214. ISBN 1423426703. 9x12 collas. Instrumentālisti mīlēt šo kolekciju 130 tautas solo, tai skaitā. Vēl viens kodumi putekļu. Jebkura Dream Will Do. Slikta diena. Skaistums un zvērs. Breaking Free. Pulksteņi. Edelweiss. Dievs svētī U.S.A.. Sirds un dvēsele. I Will Remember You. Iedomāties. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Satin Doll. United Mēs Stand. Tu Raise Me Up. un vairāk. Theme From "Schindler 's List". Krāsas Of The Wind. I Will Remember You. Visi My Loving. Butterfly Skūpsti. Tikko elpot. Nerunā. Alley Cat. My Heart Will Go On. Mīlestība Theme From "Titāniku". Paliksim kopā. Jump, Jive "gaudot. Amerika. Livin 'La Vida Loca. Visas mazās lietas. Vēl viens kodumi putekļu. Fallin '. Jebkura Dream Will Do. Thousand Miles. Pulksteņi. Tu Raise Me Up. Viņa Will Be Loved. The Way You Move. Stacy mamma. Šeit Without You. Būt uzticīgi savai skolai. Tas ir. Beautiful Morning. Skaistums un zvērs. Beyond the Sea. Melnais strazds. Blue Suede Shoes. Tā ir mana dzīve. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Mēs Belong Together. Brady Bunch. Slikta diena. Breaking Free. Kabarejs. California Dreamin '. Candle In The Wind. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Viņi ilgi, lai būtu. Close To You. Come Fly With Me. Copacabana. At The COPA. Do Wah Diddy Diddy. Do-Re-Mi. Nevajag nežēlīgu. Uz sirds, kas ir taisnība. Neļaujiet Sun Go Down On Me. Drift Away. Duke Of Earl. Edelweiss. Katru Breath You Take. Viss ir Skaista. Jomas Gold. Fly Like An Eagle. Par vienu reizi manā dzīvē. Forever Young. Fun, Fun, Fun. Dievs svētī U.S.A. Gonna Build Mountain. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Green Green Grass Of Home. Laimīgās dienas. Vai es teicis jums Pēdējā laikā. Sirds un dvēsele. Hogan ir varoņi marts. I Dreamed a Dream. I Heard It Through Grapevine. I Say A Little Prayer. I Whistle Happy Tune. Es rakstīt dziesmas. Es esmu Popeye jūrnieks cilvēks. Ja I Ever Lose My Faith In You. Iedomāties. Tas joprojām ir Rock And Roll To Me. Jailhouse Rock. Joy To The World. Kansas City. Kokomo. Let 'Em In. Kā klints. Mīlestība un laulību. Romantiska filma. Maggie May. Padarot Mūsu Dreams Come True. Varbūt es esmu pārsteigts. Michelle. Mickey Mouse martā. Misija. Neiespējami Theme. Mister Sandman. Moon River. My Way. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. On Broadway. Peppermint Twist. Pocketful Of Miracles. Puff Magic Dragon. Liec savu roku rokā. Klusas naktis klusā Stars. Kuprītis. Rock Around The Clock. Rock With You. Satin Doll. Saglabāt labāko pēdējo. Dziedāt. Sittin "On. Dock Of The Bay. Tik ilgi, Farewell. Kaut kas tur. Spanish Blusu. Saullēkts, saulriets. Take My Breath Away. Mīlestība Theme. Theme From E.T.. Kosmiski. Šī zeme ir savu zemi. Tie bija laiki. Time After Time. Rīt. Top of the World. Twist And Shout. Unchained Melody. Saskaņā Boardwalk. United Mēs Stand. Mēs esam pasaules. Kas World Needs Tagad ir mīlestība. Ar nelielu palīdzību no My Friends. Wonderful Tonight. Wooly Bully. Yellow Submarine. Jūs esat Sunshine Of My Life. Jūs esat Got draugam. Zip--Dee-Doo-Dah. Girl From Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. Tas ir Amora. Tas ir Mīlestība.