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From Odes 1 & 3 of the Odes of Solomon. Choir sheet music. Advanced.
From Odes 1 & 3 of the Odes of Solomon. Kora notis. Uzlabots.
From Odes 1 & 3 of the Odes of Solomon composed by Greg Bartholomew. For Choir, SATB. 21st Century, Christian, Jewish, Sacred. Advanced Intermediate. Octavo. Burke & Bagley #BB703. Published by Burke & Bagley. S0.17790. The Odes of Solomon are believed to have been written around the year 100 A.D., and include strong parallels to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scholars have debated whether the Odes should be considered Jewish, Christian or Gnostic, and whether they were first written in Greek, Hebrew or Syriac. Early Christian writings refer to and quote from them. A Syriac manuscript containing the text of most of the Odes was discovered in 1909 by the English scholar J. Rendel Harris, and other partial texts in various languages have also been found. There are 42 Odes. Some fragments are still missing from Odes I and III, and no part of Ode II has yet been found. For these choral settings, I selected text from four of the Odes of Solomon which I found particularly compelling. The anonymous translation used here comes from The Gnostic Society Library. From the Odes of Solomon was premiered in concert on June 2, 2002, by the Ars Brunensis Chorus under the direction of conductor Roman Valek and choirmaster Dan Kalousek at the Husov Sbor, in Brno, Czech Republic. Their recording is available on CD. From Ode 1. The Lord is on my head like a crown And I shall not be without him. From Ode 3. I clothe his limbs, his own limbs, and hang from them. He loves me. How would I know how to love the Lord if he did not love me. And who can tell us about love. Only one who is loved. I love the beloved, and my soul loves him. I am where he reposes, and I will be no stranger to him, because he is not petty, my high merciful Lord. I have gone to join him for the lover has found his beloved. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.
From Odes 1 & 3 of the Odes of Solomon composed by Greg Bartholomew. Korim, SATB. 21st Century, Christian, ebreju, Sacred. Advanced Intermediate. Astotais. Burke & Bagley #BB703. Publicējusi Burke. S0.17790. Par Odes of Solomon tiek uzskatīts, ka ir rakstīts ap gada 100 AD, un ietver spēcīgas paralēles ar Nāves jūras tīstokļi. Zinātnieki ir apsprieduši, vai Odes jāapsver ebreju, kristiešu vai Gnostic, un vai tie ir pirmo reizi rakstīts grieķu, ebreju vai sīriešu. Early Christian rakstiem atsaucas un citāts no tām. Sīriešu manuskripts, kas satur tekstu, lielākā daļa no Odas tika atklāti 1909. gadā angļu zinātnieks J. Rendel Harris un citām daļējām tekstus dažādās valodās ir atrasti arī. Ir 42 Odes. Daži fragmenti joprojām trūkst Odes I un III, un neviena no Ode II vēl nav atrasts. Attiecībā uz šiem kora iestatījumiem, es izvēlētos tekstu no četriem no Odas Salamana kas es atklāju sevišķi pārliecinoši. The anonymous translation used here comes from The Gnostic Society Library. No Odes Salamana tika pirmizrādi koncertā 2.jūnijā 2002. ko Ars Brunensis Koris vadībā diriģenta romiešu VALEK un kormeistars Dan KALOUSEK pie Husov Sbor, Brno, Čehija. Their recording is available on CD. From Ode 1. The Lord is on my head like a crown And I shall not be without him. From Ode 3. I clothe his limbs, his own limbs, and hang from them. Viņš mani mīl. How would I know how to love the Lord if he did not love me. And who can tell us about love. Only one who is loved. I love the beloved, and my soul loves him. I am where he reposes, and I will be no stranger to him, because he is not petty, my high merciful Lord. I have gone to join him for the lover has found his beloved. Digital Print ir izdrukājamu nošu pieejami jebkurā laikā, jebkurā vietā. Tikai iegādāties, drukāt un spēlēt. Apskatīt savu tiešsaistes notis mājās, skolā, darbā vai jebkur jums ir dators savienots ar internetu. Izmantojiet mūsu iPad app, lai apskatītu savu digitālo notis, atrodoties ceļā. Ar Digital Print, jūs varat izdrukāt savu digitālo notis uzreiz pēc iegādes, vai gaidīt, līdz tās ērti. Un mūsu programmatūras uzstādīšana ir vienkārša - mēs jums caur soļiem, lai pārliecinātos, ka jums ir Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR un nošu Plus AIR pieteikumu.