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The Heart of Christmas - SATB Score with Performance CD. Pepper Choplin. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.


Sirds Ziemassvētku - SATB Score ar Performance CD. Pepper Choplin. Kora notis. Klavieru pavadīšana notis.


The Heart of Christmas - SATB Score with Performance CD. Embracing the passion of those who lived the story. Composed by Pepper Choplin. For SATB choir, piano. with optional orchestration. Cantatas. Christmas, Sacred. Choral score and CD. 96 pages. Duration 35 minutes. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.65-2053L. The Heart of Christmas tells the timeless story that we remember each year in a creative, profound way - by probing the hearts of those most directly involved in St. Like's account of that first Christmas. This touching construct is complemented by Choplin's masterful use of a variety of musical styles from blues and bluegrass to the warmly melodic and chorally traditional. Three narrators propel the scripture-based narrative, while two or three soloists and optional congregation participation enhance the choir, The result is a musical, worshipful, and very accessible musical presentation. Even those ensembles that often perform SAB editions will find this single choral edition to be well within their reach. We invite you to embrace the courage, faithfulness, joy, and love of those who were there and live in The Heart of Christmas. So Let It Be. Joseph, Strong and Faithful Man. From the Heart of God with Away in a Manger. Joy on the Mountain. Arise and Shine with Joy to the World. Advent Procession in Blue. With Open Hearts. Star of Heaven.


Sirds Ziemassvētku - SATB Score ar Performance CD. Aptverot kaislība, kuri dzīvoja stāstu. Sastāvā Pepper Choplin. Par SATB koris, klavieres. ar izvēles orķestrēšana. Kantātes. Ziemassvētki, Sacred. Kora rādītājs un CD. 96 pages. Ilgums 35 minūtes. Publicējusi Lorenz Publishing. LO.65-2053L. Ziemassvētku Heart stāsta mūžīgo stāstu, ka mēs atceramies katru gadu radoši, pamatīgi veidā - zondēšana sirdis tiem vistiešāk iesaistīti St like kontā par šo pirmo Ziemassvētku. Šis aizkustinošs konstrukcija ir papildināta ar Choplin ir meistarīgs izmantojot dažādus mūzikas stilus no blūza un bluegrass līdz silti melodiska un chorally tradicionālo. Trīs narrators dzīt Rakstu pamatā stāsts, bet divi vai trīs solisti un izvēles draudze līdzdalība uzlabotu kori, rezultāts ir muzikāla, godājams, un ļoti pieejamu muzikālu noformējumu. Pat tie, ansambļi, kas bieži veic SAB izdevumi būs atrast šo vienoto kora valodā, lai būtu labi to sasniegt. Mēs aicinām jūs izmantot drosmi, uzticību, prieku un mīlestību tiem, kas tur bija, un dzīvo Ziemassvētku sirds. Tātad Let It Be. Joseph, Strong un Faithful Man. No sirds Dieva ar prom Manger. Prieks par Mountain. Celies un Shine ar prieku pasaulei. Adventes gājiens in Blue. Ar atvērtu sirdi. Star of Heaven.