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Between the Strings-The Secret Lives of Guitars. Guitar sheet music.
Starp stīgas-The Secret Lives of Ģitāras. Ģitāra notis.
Between the Strings-The Secret Lives of Guitars. 100 Stories of Life with the Guitar. Composed by John Schroeter. For Guitar. All. Non-Fiction. John August Music. All Styles. Book. 352 pages. Published by John August Publications. MB.20913. ISBN 9780974973708. All Styles. 6 x 9 inches. BETWEEN THE STRINGS. THE SECRET LIVES OF GUITARS is a collection of more than one-hundred selected short stories, each with a guitar at its center. A veritable compendium of the world's greatest guitarists, from BB to ZZ. B.B. King to ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons, that is. , the stories are inspiring, uplifting, illuminating, humorous, stirring, and edifying. Some of the stories are simply entertaining in the way they take unexpected twists and turns. Others are biographical. Many involve a guitar that was received, given away, lost, stolen, recovered, offered to its player a special song, or was pivotal in a personal relationship or life experience. Each of these stories reveals something of the human spirit, as well as something of the supernatural that sometimes makes its way into our ordinary, everyday existence. But in every case, the variety of experiences, settings, and remarkable outcomes are linked by the common celebration of life with the guitar. To paraphrase Ann Petry, "Everything you ever had, everything you ever lost. It's all there in the guitar- pain and hate and trouble and peace and quiet and love. " There is so much more to music than meets the ears. To discover that, one needs only to read "between the strings. FEATURES. Les Paul, Don McLean, George Benson, Andy Griffith, Bob Weir. Grateful Dead. , Peter Frampton, Doc Watson, Christopher Parkening, Eric Johnson, Earl Klugh, Jack White. White Stripes. , Rick Derringer, Taj Mahal, Chet Atkins. more than 100 artists in all. Introduction. Guitars are From Venus--Women are Too. The Hunt for Red Guitar. The Prodical Gibson. Return to Fender. Return of the Prodical Guitarist. Lasting Impressions. Only a Gibson is Good Enough. The Long Way Home. Uncle Gene's Guitar. Marty's Martin. The Battered Strat. The Baptism of "Brownie McGee". St. Cecelia on Guitars, Fear, and Grace. Brother Juniper. Visit to Heaven. The Boosted Tele. Guitar Paradise. Guitar Scam. An Instrument in God's Hands. The Guitar Shines On. For Want of a Guitar. The Black Beauty. Uncommon Good. Wanted. Orange Gretsch 6120. A Man and His Guitar. Of Guitars and Righteous Men. The Heart Of The Matter. While My Guitar Gently Sings. A Guitar in the Family. Band of Brothers. For Love of the Trees. Redwood. All In The Family. Still Here. Going Forward. In the Shade of the Tree of Life. The Old Martin and Me. Free Guitar in the Morning. The Flying Explorer. Happy to Play the Blues. A Guitar in the Window. Mad About Guitar. Of Montgomery Wards and Strombergs. Mr. Guitar. If It Sounds Good, Do It. The Guitar That Changed the World. Rollin' And Tumblin'. Metal and Me. Blues to the Bone. The Blues Don't Float. The World Inside My Guitar. The Funk Brothers. One Way Ticket. St. Peter's by the Lake. Fine Guitars and Angel Dust. My Deliverance. The Faithful Guitar. A White Rose for Heidi. Guitar Divine. Music for Life. A Guitar With a Silver Lining. The Road to Winfield. A Windfall at Winfield. Thankin' the Lord for My Fingers. With A Little Help From My Friends. Closing the Circle. Miss Wanda, Her Guitar, and Me. Who Would Have Known. Life in Three Lessons. I Remember Wes. In My Own Words. Hawanawana. The Whispering. The Reluctant Guitar Hero. Sufficient Grace. The Silver Lining. Bad Cast, Good Performance. One Day At A Time. A Gift of Hope. It Was Forty Years Ago Today. Sebastian. A Lesson in Humility. Better than an Endorsement Letter From Segovia. I Remember Andres. Acoustic. Reloaded. On The Road Again. On the Brighter Side. It's Not Only What You Know. Something To Say. For the Love of Barrios. Holy Grails and Backstage Passes. Airline Trip. Pass the Bottleneck, Please. For Nancy. That Dear Old Guitar of Mine. In the Wonderfully Beautiful Month of May. Butterfingers. The Wish. Poster Child. On The Right Track.
Starp stīgas-The Secret Lives of Ģitāras. 100 Stories of Life ar ģitāru. Sastādījis John Schroeter. Ģitāra. Visi. Non-Fiction. John augusts Music. Visi stili. Grāmata. 352 lapas. Publicējusi John augusts publikāciju. MB.20913. ISBN 9780974973708. Visi stili. 6 x 9 collas. STARP stīgām. The Secret Lives ģitāras ir kolekcija vairāk nekā simts izvēlēto stāstu, katrs ar ģitāru tās centrā. Īsta apkopojumu no pasaules lielākajiem ģitāristi, no BB uz ZZ. B.B. karali ZZ meklēšanā ir Billy Gibbons, kas ir. , Stāsti ir iedvesmojoša, pacilājoša, apgaismo, smieklīgs, maisot, un pamācošas savā perfekcijā. Daži stāsti ir vienkārši izklaides veidā, kā tās veikt negaidītas deformē un pagriezienus. Citi ir biogrāfisks. Daudzi ietver ģitāra, kas tika saņemts, atdot, nozaudēta, nozagta, atgūt, piedāvāja savu atskaņotāju īpašu dziesmu, vai bija izšķiroša personiskas attiecības un dzīves pieredzi. Katrs no šiem stāstiem atklāj kaut ko no cilvēka garu, kā arī kaut kas pārdabisks, kas reizēm padara savu ceļu uz mūsu parasto, ikdienas eksistenci. Bet jebkurā gadījumā, dažādas pieredzes, iestatījumus un izciliem rezultātiem, ir saistīts ar kopējo dzīves svinēšanu ar ģitāru. Pārfrāzējot Ann Petry, "Viss, kas jums kādreiz ir bijusi, viss jums kādreiz zaudējis. Tas viss tur ģitāru-sāpēm un naidu un nepatikšanas, mieru un klusu un mīlestības. "Tur ir tik daudz vairāk mūzikas nekā atbilst ausis. Atklāj, ka, ir nepieciešams tikai lasīt "starp stīgām. FUNKCIJAS. Les Paul, Don McLean, George Benson, Andy Griffith, Bob Weir. Grateful Dead. , Peter Frampton, Doc Watson, Christopher Parkening, Eric Johnson, Earl Klugh, Jack White. White Stripes. , Rick Derringer, Taj Mahal, Chet Atkins. vairāk nekā 100 mākslinieki visās. Ievads. Ģitāras ir no Venēras - sievietes ir pārāk. Red Guitar Hunt. Prodical Gibson. Atgriezties Fender. Atgriešanās no Prodical ģitārists. Paliekošu iespaidu. Tikai Gibson ir pietiekami labs. Long Way Home. Uncle Gene ģitāra. Marty Martin. Battered Strat. No "Brūni McGee" Kristības. St Cecīlija uz ģitāras, bailes, un Grace. Brother Juniper. Apmeklējiet debesīs. Veicināja Tele. Ģitāra Paradise. Ģitāra Scam. Instruments Dieva rokās. Guitar spīd On. Lai tiktu ģitāras. Black Beauty. Retāk Good. Gribēja. Apelsīnu Gretsch 6120. Cilvēks un viņa ģitāra. Ģitāras un taisnīgie. Heart Of The Matter. Bet mana ģitāra Viegli Dzied. Guitar ģimenē. Band of Brothers. Love ar koku. Redwood. Visi ģimenē. Still Here. Iet uz priekšu. Ēnā Tree of Life. Vecā Martin un Me. Bezmaksas Guitar no rīta. Flying Explorer. Laimīgs spēlēt Blues. Guitar logā. Mad About ģitāra. Montgomery aizbilstamajiem un Štrombergs. Mr Guitar. Ja tas izklausās labi, Do It. Ģitāra, kas izmainīja pasauli. Rollin 'Un Tumblin ". Metāla un Me. Blues līdz kauliem. The Blues Nelietojiet Float. World Inside My Guitar. The Funk Brothers. One Way Biļešu. Svētā Pētera pie ezera. Fine Ģitāras un Angel Dust. Mans Padošanās. Faithful Guitar. White Rose Heidi. Ģitāra Divine. Music for Life. Guitar Ar zelta maliņa. Ceļš uz Winfield. Virspeļņas pie Winfield. Thankin "Kunga For My Fingers. Ar nelielu palīdzību no My Friends. Aizverot Circle. Miss Wanda Viņas ģitāra, un Me. Kas būtu jāzina. Dzīve trīs stundas. I Remember Wes. In My Own Words. Hawanawana. Whispering. Negribīgi Guitar Hero. Pietiek ar Grace. Sudraba Odere. Slikti Cast, Good Performance. One Day At A Time. Gift of Hope. Tas bija četrdesmit gadus atpakaļ Šodien. Sebastian. Nodarbība pazemībā. Labāk nekā Apstiprinājums Vēstule no Segovija. I Remember Andres. Skaņas. Reloaded. Uz ceļa atkal. Par gaišāku pusē. Tas ir ne tikai tas, ko jūs zināt. Ko teikt. Par mīlestību Barrios. Svētie Grails un Backstage Caurlaides. Airline Ceļojuma. Iet sašaurinājumu, lūdzu. Nancy. Ka Dear Old Guitar of Mine. Jo Lieliski Skaista Maijā. Butterfingers. Wish. Plakāts Child. Uz pareizā ceļa.