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Paisley's Sonata. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.


Paisley Sonata. Piano Solo notis. Uzlabots.


Paisley's Sonata composed by Michael C. Brown. For Piano Solo. 20th Century,Romantic Period. Advanced Intermediate. Individual Part. Published by Michael C. Brown. S0.32751. This piece celebrates the life and mourns the loss of my granddaughter, Paisley Gladys Hogan, who was but 2 months old when she was called to Heaven. These are the words I wrote just before her funeral. I. The Presence - She was here. I held her the day she was born. I held her and watched her smile at me less than 24 hours before she departed. She only knew love. No one around her ever showed her anything else that humanity had to offer. like hatred, heartache, pain, control, or anger. II. The Shock - She feels a Hand beckon her to leave her mortal coil, and she enters into a world we cannot yet reach. With no one home, her former body ceases to wake. The unimaginable has happened and we struggle to reverse it. Finally, it becomes clear that we cannot. She sees us cry and she wonders what is happening. Having never known sorrow, she only sees that love didn't cause this response. She wants to comfort us with the love she knows, but we do not yet sense it. III. The Questions - One word has confounded mankind from its creation. "Why. " We have never found an acceptable answer. We ask, "Why did this happen. " and "What did I do. " and "What didn't we do right. " and "Why couldn't it have been me. " among others. We only know that her absence has carved holes in our hearts shaped like her. She tries to tell us, "You can still love me. I just cannot be seen by you now. It does not mean your love cannot make me happy. I still want it. I still feel it. Please feel my love for you. "IV. Letting Go - The day comes to bid farewell to the vehicle by which she came to us. We struggle to cope that we will see her face no more except in pictures. Because of the brevity of her life, memories are few to relive, but to do so is to recall happiness. In sorrow, we return her to the earth. All that is left is to return to recall, to talk to her, to bring flowers and other gifts, and to await the day we follow her. V. Remembering - The days and years follow. Normalcy slowly sets back into our lives. The holes in our hearts will never fully heal. But the salve of her love and her memory help to soothe the ache. We still return to where we placed her mortal home, where we laugh and cry in tandem, where our hearts ache to fill the void left by her departure. It will never really get better, but it will become easier for her love to dull the sting of her absence. VI. The Reunion - One by one, we will feel the same Hand bid us to come. The same events will befall those left behind each time. One by one, she will greet us as we reunite with her. We marvel at how she has stayed with us as we stay to comfort those we had just bidden farewell. The rest cannot be imagined by we that remain. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


Paisley Sonata sastāvā Michael C. Brown. Klavierēm Solo. 20th Century, Romantic Period. Advanced Intermediate. Individuālā daļa. Publicējis Michael C. Brown. S0.32751. Šis gabals svin dzīvi un sēro zaudējumu mana mazmeita, Paisley Gledisa Hogan, kurš bija, bet 2 mēnešus vecs, kad viņa tika aicināta uz debesīm. Tie ir vārdi, es uzrakstīju tieši pirms viņas bērēm. I. Dalība - Viņa bija šeit. Es tur viņai dienā viņa bija dzimis. Es tur viņu un skatījos viņas smaids uz mani mazāk nekā 24 stundas pirms viņa aizgāja. Viņa tikai zināja mīlestību. Neviens ap viņu kādreiz parādīja viņas kaut kas cits, ka cilvēce bija jāpiedāvā. piemēram, naidu, sirdssāpes, sāpes, kontroles, vai dusmas. II. . Bez vienu mājās, viņas bijušais ķermenis vairs uzmodināt. Neiedomājams ir noticis, un mēs cīnāmies, lai to nepieļautu. Visbeidzot, kļūst skaidrs, ka mēs nevaram. Viņa redz mūs raudāt un viņa vēlas zināt, kas notiek. Kam nekad nav zināms, bēdas, viņa tikai redz, ka mīlestība nav radījis šo atbildi. Viņa vēlas, lai mierinātu mūs ar mīlestību, viņa zina, bet mēs vēl sajust to. III. . "Kāpēc. Mēs nekad neesam atraduši pieņemamu atbildi. Mēs lūdzam, Kāpēc tas notiek. un Ko es daru. un ko nebija mēs darām pareizi. un kāpēc nevarēja tas bijis ar mani. cita starpā. Mēs tikai zinām, ka viņa prombūtnes laikā ir cirsts caurumus mūsu sirdīs formas, piemēram, viņas. Viņa cenšas, lai pastāstītu mums, Jūs joprojām varat mani mīl. Es vienkārši nevar redzēt ar jums tagad. Tas nenozīmē, ka jūsu mīlestība nevar darīt mani laimīgu. Es joprojām gribu to. Es joprojām jūtu. Lūdzu, manu mīlestību pret jums. IV. . Mēs cīnās, lai tiktu galā, ka mēs redzēsim viņas seju ne vairāk, izņemot bildēs. Sakarā ar īsuma viņas dzīvē, atmiņas ir maz, lai relive, bet to darīt, ir atgādināt laimi. Bēdās, mēs atgriežamies viņu uz zemes. Viss, kas ir palicis, ir atgriezties atgādināt, runāt ar viņu, lai ziedus un citas dāvanas, un jāsagaida dienu mēs sekojam viņai. V. Remembering - dienas un gadi sekot. Normālas lēnām komplekti atpakaļ mūsu dzīvē. Ar mūsu sirdis caurumi nekad pilnībā dziedēt. Bet viņas mīlestības ziede un viņas atmiņa palīdz remdēt sāpes. Mums vēl atgriezties, kur mēs nolika savu mirstīgo mājās, kur mēs smieties un raudāt kopā, kur mūsu sirdis sāpes, lai aizpildītu tukšumu viņas izbraukšanas. Tas nekad īsti iegūt labāk, bet tas būs vieglāk par viņas mīlestību uz blāvi dzelt viņas prombūtnes. VI. . Tie paši notikumi iestāsies tiem atpaliks katru reizi. Viens pēc otra, viņa sveicināt mums, jo mēs atkalapvienoties ar viņu. Mēs apbrīno kā viņa palika ar mums, jo mēs palikt mierināt tos, kuriem mēs tikko bija aicinājis atvadīšanās. Pārējais nevar iedomāties, ko mēs, kas paliek. Digital Print ir izdrukājamu nošu pieejami jebkurā laikā, jebkurā vietā. Tikai iegādāties, drukāt un spēlēt. Apskatīt savu tiešsaistes notis mājās, skolā, darbā vai jebkur jums ir dators savienots ar internetu. Izmantojiet mūsu iPad app, lai apskatītu savu digitālo notis, atrodoties ceļā. Ar Digital Print, jūs varat izdrukāt savu digitālo notis uzreiz pēc iegādes, vai gaidīt, līdz tās ērti. Un mūsu programmatūras uzstādīšana ir vienkārša - mēs jums caur soļiem, lai pārliecinātos, ka jums ir Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR un nošu Plus AIR pieteikumu.