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A Dossan of Heather. Beginning.


Dossan viršu. Sākums.


A Dossan of Heather. Irish traditional music from Packie Manus Byrne of Donegal. Edited by Stephen Jones and Jean Duval. For All Instruments. Perfect binding, SongBook. Celtic. Irish. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. CD Set. 152 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.98635BCD. ISBN 9780786653751. Celtic. Irish. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This is not just another book of Irish session tunes. It represents the relatively unknown repertoire of a single Irish traditional musician, Packie Manus Byrne of Donegal. There has been considerable interest in the music of Donegal over the past 10 years or so, especially with the rise of groups such as Altan. Packie Manus Byrne is a familiar name to traditional-music lovers in Ireland and the UK, where he enjoyed a successful career as a folk performer for more than 20 years. Almost all these tunes were being played in Packie's home area between 1925 and 1935. the collection is thus something of a "time capsule" with a unity of origin and style that sets it apart from other collections. The 85 genuine old traditional tunes are being made public for the first time. This unique collection, with all the background information and stories, gives the reader a real sense of the community out of which the music came and the characters who played it. Suitable for fiddle, tin whistle, flute and other traditional instruments. The CD includes 33 of the tunes performed by Jean Duval, Stephen Jones, Johanne St. Laurent, Lynda Dowker, and Reinhard Gorner on a variety of instruments. An Fear Dall. Barefoot Biddy. Hornpipe. Home From France. Sa Bhaile O'n Fhrainc. The Glen Finn Lass. The Schoolmaster's Sister. The Willighan Bush. Call The Horse. The Fernden Polka. Welcome Home Rosie. An Highland Fada. The Long Highland. Lilting Ann. Min A Churrain. Paddy Bhilli Na Ropai. The Dark Girl Dressed In Blue. The Half Door. Unnamed Mazurka 2. Willie Dear. A Welsh Chapel Hymn. Father Murphy's Topcoat. Shoe The Donkey. I'll Marry You When Me Garden Grows. Unnamed Mazurka 1. An Bothan. The Little Turf House. The Buckasheen Landy. The Dangers Of Men. Unnamed German. An T-Ean Sa Chrann. Humours of Whiskey. Min Na Heireann. March. Piddling Peggy. The Barley Field. Air And Hornpipe. The Belling March. The Bonnie Hop. German. The Collier Laddie. The Tummel Marchthe Fumbling Chorister. March. The Wheels Of The Train. Weans In Skirts. A Gweedore Highland. An Bata Ti. The House Stick. Forgetting The Lesson. I've Got A Bonnet. Polka. Rosie's Brachan. Mazurka. The Forgotten Highland. Teelin Rowdies. The Gap Of Glenshane. March. The Storm. The True Lovers' Discussion. Unnamed Highland. An Cailin Rua. The Red-Haired Girl. An Fharraige Chiuin. The Calm Sea. Captain Taylor's March. The Fumbling Chorster. March. The Last Star. The Lazy Wife. The Spinning Wheel. The Stuttering Auctioneer. Hornpipe. A Besom Of Heather. Polka. Crossing The Oily River. Foyne's Legacy. Merry Hours Of Gladness. The Swamp Reed March. A Dossan Of Heather. An Coilean Cu. Ar Thaobh Na Carraige. By The Side Of The Rock. Blow The Bellows. The Byrnes Of Gleann Cholm Cille. The Dawn Pack. The Sheigh O'rye. We're Having A Drop. Showers Of Autumn. An T-Altan Bui. The Yellow-Faced Rock. Away And Over. Suan Clock Teineadh. The Firestone Lullaby. The Peeler And The Goat. The Sapper. The Tatty Hokers. Hornpipe. All Apio. Behind The Ditch In The Garden. Mcshane's Rambles. Socks On The Crane. Stepping Stones. The Crow's Claw. Johnny Haughey's Highland. The Ghost's Welcome. The Three Stars.


Dossan viršu. Īru tradicionālās mūzikas no Packie Manus Byrne no Donegal. Edited by Stephen Jones un Jean Duval. Visiem instrumentiem. Ideālā saistošs, SongBook. Ķeltu. Īrijas. Sākot-Intermediate. Grāmata. CD komplekts. 152 lapas. Publicējusi Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.98635BCD. ISBN 9780786653751. Ķeltu. Īrijas. 8,75 x 11,75 collas. Tas nav tikai vēl viena grāmata Īrijas sesijas melodijas. Tā atspoguļo salīdzinoši nezināms repertuāru vienā īru tradicionālās mūziķis, Packie Manus Byrne no Donegal. Ir notikusi liela interese par mūzikas Donegal pēdējo 10 gadu laikā, jo īpaši ar pieaugumu par grupu, piemēram, ALTAN. Packie Manus Byrne ir pazīstams vārds, kas tradicionāli mūzikas mīļotājiem Īrijā un Apvienotajā Karalistē, kur viņš bauda veiksmīgu karjeru kā tautas izpildītājs vairāk nekā 20 gadus. Gandrīz visas šīs melodijas tika spēlēta Packie mājas zonā starp 1925. 1935. Tādējādi kolekcija ir kaut kas no "laika kapsulu" ar vienotību izcelsmes un stilu, kas nosaka to nošķir no citām kolekcijām. Ar 85 īstas vecās tradicionālās melodijas tiek publiskoti pirmo reizi. Šī unikālā kolekcija, ar visu pamatinformāciju un stāsti, dod lasītājam reālu sajūtu sabiedrībā, no kuriem mūzika nāca un rakstu zīmes, kas spēlēja to. Piemērots vijoles, alvas māti, flautai un citiem tradicionālajiem instrumentiem. CD iekļautas 33 melodijas Žans Duval, Stephen Jones, Johanne St. Laurent, Lynda Dowker, un Reinhard Gorner veikti uz dažādiem instrumentiem. Bailes Dall. Barefoot Biddy. Dūdas. Mājās no Francijas. Sa Bhaile O'n Fhrainc. Glen Finn Lass. Skolotājs māsa. Willighan Bush. Zvanu zirgs. Fernden Polka. Welcome Home Rosie. Highland Fada. Long Highland. Lilting Ann. Min Churrain. Paddy Bhilli Na Ropai. Dark Girl Dressed In Blue. Half Door. Nenosaukts Mazurka 2. Willie Dear. Velsiešu Chapel Hymn. Tēva Mērfija vilna. Kurpju Donkey. Es tevi precēt Kad Me Garden aug. Nenosaukts Mazurka 1. Bothan. Little Turf House. Buckasheen Landy. Briesmas vīriešu. Nenosaukts vācu. T-EAN Sa Chrann. Humours viskija. Min Na hÉireannFor. Marts. Niecīgs Peggy. Mieži Field. Air And dūdas. Belling martā. Bonnie Hop. Vācu. Collier Laddie. Tummel Marchthe fumbling korists. Marts. Wheels Of The Train. Weans In svārki. Gweedore Highland. Bata Ti. Māja Stick. Aizmirstot Mācība. Man Bonnet. Polka. Rosie s Brachan. Mazurka. Forgotten Highland. Teelin Rowdies. Gap Of Glenshane. Marts. Storm. Īsti mīlētāji "Diskusija. Nenosaukts Highland. Cailin Rua. Red-haired meitene. Fharraige Chiuin. Calm Sea. Kapteiņa Taylor marts. Neveiklā Chorster. Marts. Last Star. Lazy Wife. Spinning Wheel. Stuttering ūtrupnieks. Dūdas. Slota viršu. Polka. Crossing The taukainai River. Foyne s Legacy. Priecīgus Stundas prieka. Purvs Reed martā. Dossan viršu. Coilean Cu. Ar Thaobh Na Carraige. By Side Of The Rock. Blow Plēšas. Byrnes Of Gleann Cholm Cille. Dawn Pack. Sheigh O'rye. Mēs Ņemot kritumu. Dušas rudenī. T-Altan Bui. Yellow-Faced Rock. Away And Over. Suan Pulkstenis Teineadh. Firestone Lullaby. Mizotājs un Goat. Sapper. Par Tatty Hokers. Dūdas. Visi Selerijas. Aiz grāvja dārzā. McShane s Rambles. Zeķes uz celtņa. Pakāpieni. Vārnu Claw. Johnny Haughey s Highland. Spoku Welcome. Triju Zvaigžņu.