Notis $7.00
On the Wallaby. or Auf der Walz. for two flutes. Traditional. Flute Solo sheet music. Intermediate.
Par Wallaby. vai uz ruļļa. divas flautas. Tradicionāls. Flauta Solo notis. Intermediate.
On the Wallaby. or Auf der Walz. for two flutes composed by Traditional. Arranged by David Warin Solomons. For Flute. 21st Century,World,Folk. Intermediate. Score,Set of Parts. Published by David Warin Solomons. S0.40087. Journeymen. young craftsmen. in Germany used to be required by law to go from town to town to practise their skills rather than stay in one town, which gave rise to many songs, of which "Es es es und es" is the best known -. the words of that song mean "it is a hard conclusion but I have to leave this town. These journeys were referred to as "Walz" so these workers went "auf der Walz". The idea of travelling auf der Walz was also taken up in Australia. where they called it "on the Waltz" or "on the Wallaby". and it gave rise to the famous song Waltzing Matilda, although in the Ozzie song the traveller was a swagman rather than a craftsman. So I have called this arrangement "On the Wallaby". In neither case was the 3. 4 time of the Waltz used although there is probably a connection. I initially tried to create this merged arrangement in 3. 4 but it didn't seem to work satisfactorily - indeed my left hand ended firmly stuck down my collar and my right leg twisted round my back - well. sort of. So here is a 4. 4 "waltz" based on the two traditional and related songs. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.
Par Wallaby. vai uz ruļļa. for two flutes composed by Traditional. Sakārto David Warin Solomons. Flautai. 21st Century, World, Folk. Intermediate. Rezultāts, komplekts Parts. Publicējis David Warin Solomons. S0.40087. Zeļļi. jaunie amatnieki. Vācijā izmanto, lai saskaņā ar likumu, lai iet no pilsētas uz pilsētu, lai praksē savas prasmes, nevis palikt vienā pilsētā, uz kuras pamata ir daudzas dziesmas, no kurām és iak iak und es ir vislabāk zināms -. vārdi šo dziesmu domāju tas ir grūti, secinājums, bet man ir atstāt šo pilsētu. Šie braucieni tika saukta Walz tāpēc šie darbinieki devās auf der WALZ. Ideja ceļojošais auf der Walz tika arī atbalstīts Austrālijā. kur viņi to uz valsis vai uz Wallaby. un tas radīja slaveno dziesmu waltzing Matilda, lai gan Ozzie dziesma ceļotājs bija Swagman nevis amatnieks. Tāpēc es esmu aicinājis šī vienošanās Par Wallaby. Nevienā no šiem gadījumiem bija 3. 4. laiks Waltz izmantots, lai gan ir iespējams, savienojums. Es sākotnēji mēģināja radīt šo sapludināto vienošanos in 3. 4 but it didn't seem to work satisfactorily - indeed my left hand ended firmly stuck down my collar and my right leg twisted round my back - well. veida. Tātad, šeit ir 4. 4 valsis, pamatojoties uz diviem tradicionālajiem un saistītiem dziesmas. Digital Print ir izdrukājamu nošu pieejami jebkurā laikā, jebkurā vietā. Tikai iegādāties, drukāt un spēlēt. Apskatīt savu tiešsaistes notis mājās, skolā, darbā vai jebkur jums ir dators savienots ar internetu. Izmantojiet mūsu iPad app, lai apskatītu savu digitālo notis, atrodoties ceļā. Ar Digital Print, jūs varat izdrukāt savu digitālo notis uzreiz pēc iegādes, vai gaidīt, līdz tās ērti. Un mūsu programmatūras uzstādīšana ir vienkārša - mēs jums caur soļiem, lai pārliecinātos, ka jums ir Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR un nošu Plus AIR pieteikumu.