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Essential Songs - The 1950s. Various. Electronic Keyboard sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Essential Songs - 1950. Dažādas. Elektroniskās Keyboard notis. Klavieru notis.


Essential Songs - The 1950s. E-Z Play Today Volume 51. By Various. For Organ, Piano. Keyboard, Electronic Keyboard. E-Z Play Today. Softcover. 264 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.100208. ISBN 0634092405. 9x12 inches. Over 100 of the very best songs written in the '50s, including. All Shook Up. Autumn Leaves. Blueberry Hill. Chantilly Lace. Don't Be Cruel. To a Heart That's True. Earth Angel. Fever. Kansas City. Love and Marriage. Mister Sandman. Mona Lisa. Put Your Head on My Shoulder. Rock Around the Clock. Sixteen Tons. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. Tequila. Wonderful. Wonderful. and more. For organs, pianos, and electronic keyboards. E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun. Now there are more than 300 reasons why you should play E-Z Play Today. World's largest series of music folios. Full-size books - large 9" x 12" format features easy-to-read, easy-to-play music. Accurate arrangements. simple enough for the beginner, but accurate chords and melody lines are maintained. Eye-catching, full-color covers. Lyrics. most arrangements include words and music. Most up-to-date registrations - books in the series contain a general registration guide, as well as individual song rhythm suggestions. Guitar Chord Chart - all songs in the series can also be played on guitar. The Walk. Tom Dooley. loving you. All Shook Up. Along Came Jones. Heartbreak Hotel. Party Doll. At The Hop. Autumn Leaves. Bye Bye Love. Chantilly Lace. Diana. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Fever. Now And Then There's. A Fool Such As I. Great Balls of Fire. The Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. Heartaches By The Number. I Beg Of You. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine. It's Only Make Believe. Kansas City. Lonely Boy. Love Me Tender. Magic Moments. You've Got. The Magic Touch. Memories Are Made Of This. Mister Sandman. Mona Lisa. Oh. My Pa-Pa. O Mein Papa. You've Got. Personality. Put Your Head On My Shoulder. Rock Around The Clock. Sea Of Love. Sincerely. Singing The Blues. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Stagger Lee. Tammy. Teach Me Tonight. Tears On My Pillow. Let Me Be Your. Teddy Bear. Tennessee Waltz. Tequila. Twilight Time. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck. What'd I Say. Don't. See Saw. You Belong To Me. I'm Walking Behind You. Look Over Your Shoulder. The Stroll. Why. Don't You Know. Poor Little Fool. Are You Sincere. Believe What You Say. The Big Hurt. Bird Dog. Breathless. Just Walking In The Rain. Blueberry Hill. Bony Moronie. Born To Be With You. Catch A Falling Star. Changing Partners. Chanson D'Amour. The Ra-Da-Da-Da-Da Song. Cinco Robles. Five Oaks. Dance With Me Henry. The Wallflower. Earth Angel. Eddie My Love. Friendly Persuasion. The Green Door. Honeycomb. Hot Diggity. Dog Ziggity Boom. Ivory Tower. Ko Ko Mo. I Love You So. Lipstick On Your Collar. Love And Marriage. A Lover's Question. Moments To Remember. Put Another Nickel In. Music. Music. Music. My Heart Cries For You. My Heart Is an Open Book. Primrose Lane. Since I Don't Have You. Sixteen Candles. There Goes My Baby. Turn Me Loose. The Wayward Wind. A White Sport Coat. And A Pink Carnation. Wonderful. Wonderful. Why Don't You Believe Me. It's Almost Tomorrow. My Prayer. Young Blood. Lollipop. Searchin'. Sixteen Tons. See You Later, Alligator. Hush-A-Bye. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.


Essential Songs - 1950. E-Z Spēlēt Šodien Sējums 51. Dažādi. Orgānu, Piano. Tastatūra, Electronic Keyboard. E-Z Spēlēt šodien. Paperback. 264 lapas. Publicējusi Hal Leonard. HL.100208. ISBN 0634092405. 9x12 collas. Vairāk nekā 100 no pašiem labākajiem dziesmas rakstītas '50s, tostarp. Visi Shook Up. Autumn Leaves. Blueberry Hill. Chantilly Lace. Nevajag nežēlīgu. Pie sirds tas ir taisnība. Zemes Angel. Drudzis. Kansas City. Mīlestība un laulību. Mister Sandman. Mona Lisa. Put Your Head on My Shoulder. Rock Around the Clock. Sešpadsmit Tons. Dūmu nokļūst acīs. Tekila. Brīnišķīgs. Brīnišķīgs. un vairāk. Attiecībā uz orgāniem, klavieres, un elektroniskās klaviatūras. EZ Atskaņot Šodien ir īsākais attālums starp sākuma mūziku un spēlējot fun. Tagad ir vairāk nekā 300 iemesli, kāpēc jums vajadzētu spēlēt EZ spēlējam šodien. Pasaulē lielākais sērijas mūzikas folios. Pilna izmēra grāmatas - liela 9 "x 12" formāta funkcijas viegli lasāmi, viegli-to-play mūziku. Precīza kārtība. vienkārši pietiekami, lai iesācējs, bet precīzu akordus un melodiju līnijas tiek uzturēti. Uzkrītošā, pilna krāsu vāki. Lirika. vairums pasākumi ietver vārdus un mūziku. Lielākā daļa up-to-date reģistrācija - grāmatu sērijā satur vispārēju reģistrācijas rokasgrāmatu, kā arī atsevišķu dziesmu ritmu ierosinājumi. Guitar Chord diagramma - visas dziesmas šajā sērijā var būt arī spēlēja ģitāru. Walk. Toms Dūlijs. mīlošs jums. Visi Shook Up. Gar nāca Jones. Heartbreak Hotel. Puse Doll. At The Hop. Autumn Leaves. Bye Bye Mīlestība. Chantilly Lace. Diana. Nevajag nežēlīgu. Uz sirds, kas ir taisnība. Drudzis. Tagad un tad tur ir. Fool piemēram, I. Great Balls of Fire. Hawaiian Wedding Song. Ke Kali Nei Au. Sirdssāpes skaitu. I Beg Of You. Man vienalga, ja Sun Nespīdiniet. Tas ir tikai Make Believe. Kansas City. Lonely Boy. Love Me Tender. Magic Moments. Jūs esat Got. Magic Touch. Atmiņas ir izgatavoti no šo. Mister Sandman. Mona Lisa. Ak. Mans Pa-Pa. O Mein Papa. Jūs esat Got. Personība. Put Your Head On My Shoulder. Rock Around The Clock. Sea Of Love. Sirsnīgi. Dziedot Blues. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Regulēt Lee. Kāstuve. Teach Me Tonight. Asaras par manu spilvens. Let Me Be Your. Rotaļlācītis. Tennessee Waltz. Tekila. Krēslas laiks. Wear My gredzens ap kaklu. What'd I Say. Nav. Sk Saw. You Belong To Me. I'm Walking Behind You. Look Over Your Shoulder. Pastaiga. Kāpēc. Don't You Know. Poor Little Fool. Vai Jūs Sirsnīga. Tic, ko jūs sakāt. Big Hurt. Bird Dog. Bez elpas. Just Walking In The Rain. Blueberry Hill. Asakains Moronie. Born To Be With You. Catch Falling Star. Mainīt partnerus. Chanson D'Amour. Ra-Da-Da-Da-Da Song. Cinco Robles. Pieci Oaks. Dance With Me Henry. The Wallflower. Zemes Angel. Eddie My Love. Friendly Pārliecināšana. Green Door. Izcaurumot. Karsts Diggity. Suns Ziggity Boom. Ziloņkaula tornis. Ko Ko Mo. Es mīlu Tevi So. Lūpukrāsa par savu Collar. Mīlestība un laulību. Mīļāko jautājums. Moments, kas jāatceras. Citiem vārdiem sakot niķelis. Mūzika. Mūzika. Mūzika. Mana sirds raud You. Mana sirds ir atvērta grāmata. Primrose Lane. Tā kā man nav You. Sešpadsmit Sveces. Tur Goes My Baby. Turn Me Loose. Niķīgs Wind. White Sport Coat. Un Pink Carnation. Brīnišķīgs. Brīnišķīgs. Kāpēc jūs Believe Me. Tas ir gandrīz Rīt. My Prayer. Young Blood. Konfekte. Searchin ". Sešpadsmit Tons. Tiksimies vēlāk, Alligator. Kuš-A-Bye. Tas ir Amora. Tas ir Mīlestība.
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