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Gospel's Greatest. Various. Guitar sheet music. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Intermediate.
Gospel s Greatest. Dažādas. Ģitāra notis. C instruments notis. Klavieru notis. Intermediate.
Gospel's Greatest composed by Various. For Guitar, Piano, C Instruments. Hal Leonard Fake Books. Gospel and Worship. Difficulty. medium. Fake book. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord chart. 295 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240136. ISBN 0634004247. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord chart. Gospel and Worship. 9x12 inches. This excellent resource for Gospel titles features 449 songs, including. Amazing Grace. At the Cross. Because He Lives. Behold the Lamb. Blessed Assurance. Church in the Wildwood. The Day He Wore My Crown. Give Me That Old Time Religion. He Looked Beyond My Fault. He Touched Me. Heavenly Sunlight. His Eye Is on the Sparrow. Holy Ground. How Great Thou Art. I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy. I Saw the Light. I'd Rather Have Jesus. In the Garden. Joshua. Fit the Battle of Jericho. Just a Little Talk with Jesus. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Midnight Cry. Morning Has Broken. My Tribute. Near the Cross. The Old Rugged Cross. Precious Memories. Rock of Ages. Shall We Gather at the River. There Is Power in the Blood. We Shall Wear a Crown. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. and hundreds more. A "fake book" contains songs written in a concise format that includes only the melody and chords, letting you interpret the song's performance as you feel is appropriate. This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody. This melody will have the lyrics written beneath the notes, with each word aligned to its corresponding note. Above the notes of the melody will appear the names of the appropriate chords to play - for example, a "C minor" chord would be written as "Cmin" or Cm", rather than writing out all of the notes in those chords as they appeared in the original version of the song. This format is very compact, which is why you will often see fakebooks containing 500 or more songs. Spirit Of The Living God. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. Praise The Name Of Jesus. We Have Come Into His House. Bless His Holy Name. The Love of God. I'd Rather Have Jesus. Try A Little Kindness. He Hideth My Soul. I've Got Peace Like A River. Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know. All God's Children. Heavenly Sunlight. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior. The Lily Of The Valley. We'll Understand It Better By And By. At Calvary. Just Over In The Gloryland. Footsteps Of Jesus. Jesus Paid It All. A Perfect Heart. God Will Take Care of You. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise. I Must Tell Jesus. They That Wait Upon The Lord. This Is The Day. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. Alleluia. I Stand Amazed In The Presence. My Savior's Love. Bless God. Bless The Name. Hallelujia, Praise The Lamb. Great Is Thy Faithfulness. I Will Bless The Lord. He Came Down To My Level. Lead Me To The Rock. I Am Not Ashamed. Boundless Love. Written In Red. The Blood-Bought Church. I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary. Sweeter As The Days Go By. Follow Me. Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary. Blessed Be the Name. God Leads Us Along. No, Not One. The Happy Jubilee. He Giveth More Grace. Home. I've Never Been This Homesick Before. Midnight Cry. The Haven Of Rest. Give Them All To Jesus. Jesus' Rocking Chair. There Rose A Lamb. The Only King. Satisfied. Jesus Saves. Tears Are A Language God Understands. Built On Amazing Grace. Wonderful Grace Of Jesus. Going Home. He Is Here. Hold On To God's Unchanging Hand. Hold To God's Unchanging Hand. My Savior First Of All. Then I Met The Master. We'll Talk It Over. Heaven's Jubilee. 'Til The Storm Passes By. Little Is Much When God Is In It. Highway To Heaven. I Will Sing Of My Redeemer. Do You Know My Jesus. I'm Feeling Fine. This World Is Not My Home. Canaanland Is Just In Sight. I Shall Not Be Moved. Where No One Stands Alone. The Old Landmark. The Next Time He Comes. He Loved Me With A Cross. He's Still In The Fire. I've Just Started Living. That Sounds Like Home To Me. Walk Around Me, Jesus. We Shall Wear A Crown. We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown. Thank You, Lord. Now I Belong To Jesus. Draw Nigh To God. God Is Able. Thy Loving Kindness. The Joy Of The Lord. Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying. The Wonder Of It All. Bind Us Together. Be Exalted, O God. His Name Is Life. Hallelujah, We Shall Rise. Amazing Grace. He Has A Great Name. Great Name. Alleluia To The Lamb. Dwelling In Beulah Land. How Much More. It's Worth It All. No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus. The Sweetest Song. Touch Me Again, Lord. Surely Goodness And Mercy. A New Name In Glory. Consider The Lilies. Does Jesus Care. Swing Down Chariot. Tabernacle. America, the Beautiful. Can He, Could He, Would He, Did He. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It. Heaven Came Down. Part The Waters. Blessed Redeemer. Count Your Blessings. Down At The Cross. Glory To His Name. I'm So Glad. Lord, I'm Coming Home. There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing. We Shall Rise. When I Can Read My Title Clear. 'Whosoever' Meaneth Me. For Those Tears I Died. It Wouldn't Be Enough. In The Presence Of Jehovah. I'll Tell The World I'm A Christian. Ten Thousand Angels. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is. Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing. All Because Of God's Amazing Grace. All That Thrills My Soul. Bloodwashed Band. The Bond Of Love. Born Again. Build My Mansion. Next Door To Jesus. Champion Of Love. Every Day With Jesus. God Can Do Anything But Fail. Happiness Is The Lord. Happy Man. He Never Gave Up On Me. He Rose Triumphantly. He'll Come As No Surprise. His Grace Is Sufficient For Me. I Go To The Rock. I'm Gonna Keep Walkin'. I'm In The Gloryland Way. In My Heart There Rings A Melody. I Will Glory In The Cross. Jesus. He Is The Son Of God. Joy In Serving Jesus. Lift Him Up. Love Lifted Me. Mercy Called Me By Name. My Father And I. My Wonderful Lord. No One Understands Like Jesus. No Other Word For Grace, But Amazing. Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul. Over The Sunset Mountains. Peace In The Midst Of The Storm. The Potter. Standing In The Presence Of The King. Springs Of Living Water. Sweet Jesus. Sweeter Than The Day Before. Thanks For Loving Me. Touch Through Me. Triumphantly, The Church Will Rise. When We See Christ. A Wonderful Feeling. At the Cross. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Because He Lives. Because Of Who You Are. Behold The Lamb. Beyond The Sunset. Bigger Than Any Mountain. Blessed Assurance. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. Brighten The Corner Where You Are. Bring Back The Springtime. Broken And Spilled Out. Calvary Covers It All. Church In The Wildwood. The Church Triumphant Is Alive And Well. Cleanse Me. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Cloud He's Comin' Back On. Come, Holy Spirit. Cover Me. Daddy Sang Bass. Didn't We Papa. The Family Of God. Farther Along. Father Lift Me Up. Fill My Cup, Lord. The First Million Years. Future's Looking Brighter. Gentle Shepherd. Get All Excited. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Give Up. God Bless The U.S.A. God Is So Good. God's Wonderful People. Goodby, World, Goodby. Greater Is He That Is In Me. Had It Not Been. He. He Careth For You. He Keeps Lifting. He Lives. He Looked Beyond My Fault. He Touched Me. He Was There All The Time. He Will Roll You Over The Tide. He's As Close As Mention Of Name. He's Everything To Me. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. He's Still Workin' On Me. Headin' Home. Here We Are. His Eye Is On The Sparrow. His Name Is Wonderful. Holy Ground. Holy Is His Name. Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome. Home Where I Belong. How Beautiful Heaven Must Be. How Big Is God. How Great Thou Art. How Long Has It Been. I Am Loved. I Am Willing Lord. I Asked The Lord. I Believe. I Believe He's Coming Back. I Believe He Died For Me. I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy. I Came To Praise The Lord. I Can't Even Walk. I Feel Like Traveling On. I Find No Fault In Him. I Just Came To Praise The Lord. I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen. I Keep Falling In Love With Him. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. I Love You Lord. I Never Shall Forget the Day. I Saw The Light. I Should Have Been Crucified. I Wanna Be Ready. I Will Serve Thee. I Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now. I'd Rather Be An Old Time Christian. Than Anything I Know. I'll Fly Away. I'll Meet You In The Morning. I'll Never Be Lonely Again. I'm In This Church. I'm Standing On The Solid Rock. I've A Home Beyond The River. I've Been To Calvary. I've Got More To Go To Heaven For. I've Just Seen Jesus. If It Keeps Getting Better. If That Isn't Love. If We Never Meet Again. In the Garden. In Times Like These. Is That Footsteps I Hear. It Is No Secret. What God Can Do. It Made News In Heaven. When I Got Saved. It Took A Miracle. It Won't Be Long. It's Beginning To Rain. It's My Desire. Jesus Be The Lord Of All. Jesus Got A Hold Of My Life. Jesus, I Believe What You Said. Jesus, We Just Want To Thank You. Jesus Is Alive And Well. Jesus Is Coming Again. Jesus Is Coming Soon. Jesus Is Lord Of All. Jesus Knows All About It. Jesus, Lord To Me. Jesus Loves The Little Children. John The Revelator. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Joy Comes In The Morning. Joy In The Camp. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Just A Little Talk With Jesus. Keep The Flame Burning. The King Is Coming. The King Of Who I Am. Kum Ba Yah. Lamb Of Glory. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Learning To Lean. Leavin' On My Mind. Let Us Break Bread Together. Myers. Let's Just Praise The Lord. Life's Railway to Heaven. Light At The End Of The Darkness. The Lighthouse. The Longer I Serve Him. Look For Me. Looking For A City. The Lord's Prayer. Mansion Over The Hilltop. More Of You. More Than Wonderful. More Than You'll Ever Know. Movin' Up To Gloryland. My God Is Real. Yes, God Is Real. My Jesus, I Love Thee. My Tribute. Near The Cross. Nearer, My God, to Thee. The Night Before Easter. No More Night. Oh For A Thousand Tongues. Oh, How I Love Jesus. O How I Love Jesus. Oh What A Happy Day. The Old Rugged Cross. The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference. On The Jericho Road. Only The Sound Of His Trumpet. Pass It On. Peace. There'll Be. Peace In The Valley. For Me. Plenty Of Room In The Family. Praise The Lord, He Never Changes. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Take My Hand, Precious Lord. Precious Memories. Put Jesus First In Your Life. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Reach Out And Touch. Reach Out To Jesus. Revive Us Again. Rise Again. Rock Of Ages. Room At The Cross For You. The Savior Is Waiting. Say I Do. Set Another Place At The Table. Shall We Gather at the River. Sheltered In The Arms Of God. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. Sinner Saved By Grace. Softly And Tenderly. Some Golden Daybreak. Somebody Touched Heaven For Me. Something Beautiful. Something Good Is Going To Happen To You. Soon And Very Soon. Spirit Wings. The Statue Of Liberty. Step Into The Water. Stepping On The Clouds. Suppertime. Surely The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place. Sweet Beulah Land. Sweet By And By. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Teach Me, Lord, To Wait. Tears Will Never Stain The Streets Of That City. Thank God I'm Free. Thanks To Calvary. Then Came The Morning. There Is Power In The Blood. There's Something About That Name. This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day. This Is The Time I Must Sing. This Little Light of Mine. This Ole House. Through It All. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. The Touch Of The Master's Hand. Touring That City. Turn Your Radio On. Unshakable Kingdom. Until Then. Until You've Known Love Of God. Upon This Rock. Victory In Jesus. Wait'll You See My Brand New Home. The Way That He Loves. We Are Persuaded. We Are So Blessed. We Have This Moment, Today. We Shall Behold Him. We Shall Overcome. We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles and Trials. We're Almost Home. Were You There. What A Beautiful Day. For The Lord To Come Again. What A Day That Will Be. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. What I Want You To Be. When God Dips His Love In My Heart. When He Was On The Cross I Was On His Mind. When The Saints Go Marching In. When We All Get To Heaven. Where Could I Go. Whispering Hope. Who Am I. Why Me. Why Me, Lord. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Wings Of A Dove. Without Him. A Wonderful Time Up There. Everybody's Gonna Have A Wonderful Time Up There. The World Didn't Give It To Me. Worthy The Lamb. Would You. Morning has Broken. They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love. To God Be The Glory. Higher Ground. Make Me A Blessing. Jesus Is All The World To Me. You Make It Rain For Me. You'll Never Walk Alone. Your Grace Still Amazes Me. I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked. Do Lord. It Is Well With My Soul. On Jordan's Stormy Banks. Send The Light. I Am Thine, O Lord. There Is A Fountain. Thou Art Worthy. Gone. It Is Finished. Oh, How He Loves You And Me. Unclouded Day.
Evaņģēlijs ir Greatest sastāvā Dažādi. Ģitāras, klavieres, C instrumenti. Hal Leonard Fake Books. Evaņģēliju un Worship. Grūtības. vidējs. Fake grāmata. Vokālā melodija, vārdi, akordu nosaukumus un ģitāras akordu diagrammas. 295 lapas. Publicējusi Hal Leonard. HL.240136. ISBN 0634004247. Ar vokālo melodiju, dziesmu, akordu nosaukumus un ģitāras akordu diagrammas. Evaņģēliju un Worship. 9x12 collas. Šis lielisks resurss Evaņģēlija nosaukumiem piedāvā 449 dziesmas, tai skaitā. Amazing Grace. Pie krusta. Jo Viņš Lives. Lūk, Jērs. Blessed Assurance. Baznīca Wildwood. Diena Viņš valkāja Mans kronis. Dodiet man, ka Old Time Religion. Viņš izskatījās Beyond mana vaina. Viņš man pieskārās. Debesu Sunlight. Viņa acs uz Sparrow. Holy Ground. Kā Great tu Art. Es noliecās uz manu ceļgaliem un raudāja Svēts. Es redzēju gaismu. Es labprātāk ir Jēzus. Dārzā. Joshua. Fit Battle of Jericho. Tikai Little Talk ar Jēzu. Kungs, es esmu Coming Home. Midnight Cry. Rīta Has Broken. Mans Tribute. Pie krusta. Old Rugged Cross. Precious Memories. Rock of Ages. Vai mēs savākt pie upes. Ir elektrība asinīm. Mēs valkā Crown. Kas draugu, mēs esam Jēzum. un simtiem vairāk. "Viltus grāmata" ietver dziesmas rakstītas koncentrētā formātā, kas ietver tikai melodiju un akordiem, ļaujot jums interpretēt dziesmas sniegumu, kā jums liekas, ir lietderīgi. Tas ir liels, lai ātri apgūt dziesmas, ko pats vai ar ansambli. Katra dziesma ir viltus grāmatā ir tikai viens melodiju faktiski rakstīts veic piezīmes, kas parasti ir vokāls vai svina melodiju. Šī melodija būs dziesmu rakstiskas zem piezīmes, ar katru vārdu izlīdzinātās tās atbilstošā piezīmē. Virs piezīmes melodiju parādīsies nosaukumus attiecīgajām akordus spēlēt - piemēram, "C nepilngadīgais" akords būtu rakstīts kā "Cmin" vai CM ", nevis izrakstīšanas visi piezīmju šajās akordiem kā viņi parādījās sākotnējā versijā dziesmu. Šis formāts ir ļoti kompakts, kas ir iemesls, kāpēc jūs bieži redzēt fakebooks satur 500 vai vairāk dziesmas. Spirit dzīvā Dieva. Kad Roll tiek izsaukta Tur pāri. Slavēt Jēzus vārdā. Mēs atnācām savā mājā. Svētī Viņa Svēto Vārdu. Dieva mīlestība. Es labprātāk ir Jēzus. Mēģiniet mazliet laipnību. Viņš Hideth My Soul. Man Peace kā upe. Jēzus Sweetest Name I Know. Visi Dieva bērni. Debesu Sunlight. Pass Me Ne, O Maiga Glābēju. Lily Of The Valley. Mēs to labāk saprastu pamazām. Golgātā. Just Over In The Gloryland. Pēdās Jēzus. Jesus Paid It All. Perfect Heart. Dievs parūpēsies par Jums. Es esmu nolēmis sekot Jēzum. Mēs celt upuri slavinājums. Man jāsaka Jēzu. Tie, kas Pagaidiet uz Kungu. Šī ir diena,. Turn Your Eyes Jēzu. Alleluia. I Stand pārsteigti klātbūtnē. Mana Glābēja mīlestība. Svētī Dievu. Bless The Name. Hallelujia, Slavēt Jērs. Liela ir tava uzticība. I Will Bless The Lord. Viņš nāca uz manu līmeni. Lead Me To The Rock. Es nekaunos. Neizmērojams Mīlestība. Uzrakstīts Red. Asins nopirka baznīca. I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Golgāta. Saldāks kā dienas iet ar. Follow Me. Slogs tiek pacelti Golgātā. Slavēts lai ir vārds. Dievs liek mums Kopā. Nē, ne viens. Laimīgu Jubilee. Viņš dod lielāku žēlastību;. Mājas. Man nekad nav bijis Šī Homesick Pirms. Midnight Cry. Haven atpūtas. Dodiet tos visus Jēzum. Jēzus Rocking Chair. Tur Rose jērs. Tikai King. Apmierināts. Jēzus Ietaupa. Asaras Vai Valoda Dievs saprot. Built par Amazing Grace. Wonderful Grace Of Jēzus. Going Home. Viņš ir šeit. Turēties pie Dieva nemainīgs Hand. Turiet Lai Dieva nemainīgs Hand. Mans Glābējs vispirms. Tad es satiku Master. Mēs runājam It Over. Debesu Jubilee. "Til The Storm iet garām. Maz ir daudz Kad Dievs ir to. Highway uz debesīm. I Will Sing Of My Pestītāju. Do You Know My Jēzu. Es ticu Fine. Šī pasaule nav Mans mājoklis. Canaanland Vai Just In Sight. Es nedrīkst pārvietot. Kur neviens Stands Alone. Old Landmark. Nākamreiz viņš nāk. Viņš mīlēja mani ar krustiņu. Viņš ir vēl Fire. Esmu tikko sāka dzīvot. Tas izklausās Home To Me. Staigāt ap mani, Jēzus. Mēs valkā Crown. Mēs valkā apmetni un kronis. Paldies, Kungs. Tagad man pieder Jēzum. Tuvoties Dievam. Dievs ir spējīgs. Thy Loving Laipnība. Joy Of The Lord. Kungs, klausīties jūsu bērniem Praying. Wonder to visu. Mūs vieno kopā. Tiks paaugstināts, Dievs. Viņa vārds ir dzīve. Hallelujah, mēs Rise. Amazing Grace. Viņš ir liels vārds. Liels vārds. Alleluia Jēram. Mājokļa Beulah Land. Cik daudz. Tas ir tā vērts viss. Neviens nekad rūpējās par mani kā Jēzus. Sweetest Song. Touch Me Again, Kungs. Protams, labums un žēlastība. Jauns vārds Glory. Uzskata, ka lilijas. Jēzus Care. Swing Down Chariot. Tabernakuls. America, Beautiful. Vai viņš, viņš varētu, tad viņš, viņš. Dievs teica: Tas, es uzskatu, ka, kas kārto to. Heaven Came Down. Šķirties ūdeņiem. Blessed Pestītājs. Count jūsu blessings. Leju pie krusta. Glory viņa vārdu. Es esmu tik priecīgs. Kungs, es esmu Coming Home. Jābūt Lietusgāzes svētību. Mēs Rise. Kad es varu izlasīt manu Nosaukums Clear. "Katrs, kas" Meaneth mani. Tiem, Tears es nomiru. Tas nebūtu pietiekami. Piedaloties Jehovas. Es pastāstītu pasaulei es esmu kristietis. Ten Thousand Angels. Kur Tā Kunga Gars ir. Nāc, tu avots katra svētība. Visiem, jo Dieva Amazing Grace. Viss, kas Thrills My Soul. Bloodwashed Band. Bond Of Love. Dzimis atkal. Veidot Mana Mansion. Blakus Jēzum. Champion Of Love. Katru dienu ar Jēzu. Dievs var darīt jebko, bet Fail. Laime ir Kungs. Laimīgs cilvēks. Viņš nekad nav pametusi On Me. Viņš piecēlās triumfējoši. Viņš būs jānāk kā nav pārsteigums. Viņa labvēlība ir pietiekama For Me. I Go To The Rock. Es esmu Gonna Keep ietu ". Es esmu Gloryland Way. In My Heart Ir Gredzeni Melody. I Will Glory In The Krusta. Jēzus. Viņš ir Dieva Dēls. Prieks, kalpojot Jēzum. Lift Viņu Up. Mīlestība pacēla mani. Mercy Sauc mani vārdā. Mans tēvs un es. Mans Wonderful Lord. Neviens nesaprot Tāpat kā Jēzus. Neviens cits vārds žēlastības, bet Amazing. Tikai Jēzus var apmierināt Your Soul. Over The Sunset Mountains. Miers vidū Storm. Potter. Stāv klātbūtne King. Dzīvības ūdens avotiem. Sweet Jesus. Saldāks kā dienu pirms. Paldies par Loving Me. Pieskarties caur mani. Triumfējoši, Baznīca Will Rise. Kad mēs redzam Kristu. Brīnišķīga sajūta. Pie krusta. Battle Hymn Of The Republika. Jo Viņš Lives. Jo, kas tu esi. Lūk, Jērs. Beyond The Sunset. Lielāks nekā jebkurā Mountain. Blessed Assurance. Asins nekad zaudēt savu varu. Atdzīvoties stūrī, kur tu esi. Bring Back pavasarī. Broken Un izlijis. Golgāta attiecas uz to visu. Church In The Wildwood. Baznīca Triumfējošs ir dzīvs un labi. Tīrīt Me. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Mākonis Viņš Comin 'Back On. Nāc, Svēto Garu. Segtu Me. Daddy Sang Bass. Nebija Mēs Papa. Dieva ģimenē. Tālāk gar. Tēvs Lift Me Up. Aizpildīt Mans Cup, Kungs. Pirmie Million Years. Nākotnes Looking Brighter. Maiga Shepherd. Sajūsminās. Dodiet man, ka Old Time Religion. Atmest. Dievs svētī U.S.A. Dievs ir tik labs. Dieva brīnišķīgi cilvēki. Goodby, World, Goodby. Lielāks ir tas, kas ir manī. Ja tas jau nav. Viņš. Viņš Careth For You. Viņš tur Celšanas. Viņš Lives. Viņš izskatījās Beyond mana vaina. Viņš man pieskārās. Viņš bija tur visu laiku. Viņš būs roll jums pa straumi. Viņš ir tik tuvu, kā pieminēts vārds. Viņš man visu. Viņš ieguva visai pasaulei viņa rokās. Viņš joprojām workin 'On Me. Headin "Home. Šeit mēs esam. Viņa acs ir On The Sparrow. Viņa vārds ir Wonderful. Holy Ground. Svēts ir Viņa Vārds. Svētais Gars, Tu esi Laipni lūdzam. Sākums Kur es Belong. Cik skaista Heaven Must Be. Cik liels ir Dievs. Kā Great tu Art. Cik ilgi tā ir bijusi. Es esmu Loved. Es esmu gatavs Lord. Es jautāju Kungs. I Believe. Es uzskatu, ka viņš ir Coming Back. Es uzskatu, ka viņš miris For Me. Es noliecās uz ceļiem un raudāja Svēts. Es atbraucu uz Teiciet Kungu. Es pat nevaru staigāt. I Feel Like ceļojumā uz. Es nekādas vainas neatrodu. Es tikko nāca uzslavēt Lord. I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen. Es Keep Falling In Love ar Viņu. Es zinu, kurš Nolemj Rīt. Es mīlu Tevi, Kungs. Es nekad neaizmirsīšu dienu. I Saw The Light. Ja es esmu piesists krustā. I Wanna Be Ready. Es kalpos Tevi. Es neņemtu neko My Journey Tagad. Es labprātāk būtu Old Time Christian. Nekā jebkas I Know. Es Fly Away. Es jums iepazīties no rīta. Es nekad Lonely Again. Es esmu šajā baznīcā. Es esmu stāvot uz Solid Rock. Esmu Home Beyond The River. Esmu bijis Golgātā. Man vairāk, lai iet uz debesīm uz. Es esmu tikai redzējis Jēzu. Ja tas tur kļūst labāk. Ja tas nav mīlestība. Ja mēs nekad Meet Again. Dārzā. Laikā, piemēram, šo. Ir tas, ka Pēdas I Hear. Tas nav noslēpums. Ko Dievs var darīt. Tā Made News In Heaven. Kad es saņēmu izglābtie. Pagāja Miracle. Tas nebūs ilgi. Tas sāk Rain. Tas ir mans Desire. Jesus Be Lord Of All. Jēzus Got A Hold Of My Life. Jēzu, es ticu, ko jūs teicāt. Jēzus, mēs vienkārši vēlamies Paldies. Jēzus ir dzīvs un labi. Jēzus nāk atkal. Jēzus ir Drīzumā. Jēzus ir Kungs pār visiem. Jēzus zina visu par to. Jēzus, Kungs ar mani. Jēzus mīl bērniņus. Jānis Atklājējs. Joshua. Fit kaujas Jērikas. Prieks nāk no rīta. Joy nometnē. Vienkārši Closer Walk ar Tevi. Just Little runāt ar Jēzu. Liesmai Burning. Ķēniņš nāk. King Of Kas es esmu. Kum Ba Yah. Lamb Of Glory. Atspiedies uz mūžīgo ieroču. Mācīšanās Lean. Leavin 'On My Mind. Ļaujiet mums lauzt maizi kopā. Myers. Pieņemsim tikai slavēt Kungu. Mūža Dzelzceļa uz debesīm. Light At The End Of Darkness. Lighthouse. Ilgāka es Viņam kalpot. Meklēt For Me. Looking For A City. Kunga lūgšana. Mansion Over The Hilltop. Vairāk Of You. Vairāk nekā Wonderful. Vairāk, nekā jūs jebkad zināt. Movin "līdz Gloryland. Mans Dievs ir reāls. Jā, Dievs ir reāls. Mans Jēzu, es mīlu Tevi. Mans Tribute. Blakus Krusta. Tuvāk, mans Dievs, pie Tevis. Nakts pirms Lieldienām. No More Night. Ak tūkstoš mēlēs. Ak, kā es mīlu Jēzu. O Kā es mīlu Jēzu. Oh What A Happy Day. Old Rugged Cross. Old Rugged Cross Made Starpība. On The Jericho Road. Tikai Sound Of Viņa Trompete. Pass It On. Miers. Tur būs. Miers ielejā. For Me. Daudz vietas ģimenē. Slavēt Kungu, Viņš nekad nemainās. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Take My Hand, dārgakmeņi Kungs. Precious Memories. Put Jēzu First In Your Life. Liec savu roku rokā. Sasniegt un pieskarties. Aizsniegt Jēzu. Atdzīvināt mums atkal. Rise Again. Rock Of Ages. Telpā pie krusta For You. Glābējs gaida. Saka I Do. Noteikt citu vietu pie galda. Vai mēs savākt pie upes. Pasargāti rokās Dieva. Tā kā Jēzus ienāca manā sirdī. Sinner Saved By Grace. Klusi un maigi. Daži Golden Daybreak. Kāds pieskārās Heaven For Me. Kaut ko skaistu. Kaut kas labs notiks ar Jums. Drīz un ļoti drīz. Stiprie alkoholiskie Wings. Brīvības statuja. Step ūdenī. Kāpj uz mākoņiem. Suppertime. Protams, Dieva Kunga klātbūtni ir šajā vietā. Sweet Beulah Land. Salds pamazām. Sweet Hour lūgšanu. Sweet, Sweet Spirit. Šūpoles zems, Sweet Chariot. Teach Me, Lord, To Wait. Asaras nekad Traipu ielās šajā pilsētā. Paldies Dievam, es esmu brīva. Pateicoties Golgātā. Tad nāca rīts. Ir elektrība asinīs. Tur ir kaut kas par šo nosaukumu. Tas varētu būt Dawning attiecīgās dienas. Tas ir laiks I Must Sing. Šis Little Light of Mine. Tas Ole House. Ar to visu. "Tis So Sweet uzticēties Jēzum. Touch Maģistra Hand. Touring šajā pilsētā. Turn Your Radio On. Nelokāms Karaliste. Līdz tam. Kamēr Jūs esat Zinu Dieva mīlestību. Uz šīs klints. Uzvara Jēzū. Wait'll You See My Brand New Home. Tā, ka viņš mīl. Mēs esam pārliecināti. Mums ir tik laimīgs. Mums ir šis brīdis, šodien. Mēs Lūk Viņu. Mēs Pārvarēt. Mums drīz būs Done ar problēmām un izmēģinājuma. Mēs esam Almost Home. Jūs bijāt Ir. Kas Beautiful Day. Lai Tas Kungs nākt atkal. Kas dienā, kas tiks. Kas draugu, mēs esam Jēzum. Ko es gribu, lai jūs būtu. Kad Dievs Dips Savu mīlestību sirdī. Kad viņš bija pie krusta man bija viņa prātā. Kad Saints Go Marching In. Kad mēs visi nokļūt debesīs. Kur es varētu iet. Čukstot Hope. Kas es esmu. Kāpēc Me. Kāpēc Me, Lord. Vai Circle Be Unbroken. Wings Of Dove. Bez Viņa. Wonderful Time Up Ir. Kāpēc tas ir gonna ir brīnišķīgs laiks, tur augšā. World Vai nav Give It To Me. Cienīgs Lamb. Would You. Rīts ir Broken. Tie būs zināt, mēs esam kristieši ar mūsu mīlestību. Lai Dievs Glory. Augstāka Ground. Make Me svētību. Jēzus ir visas pasaules, lai Me. Jūs Make It Rain For Me. Jūs nekad Walk Alone. Jūsu Grace joprojām pārsteidz mani. Es aizgāju šodien, kur Jēzus staigāja. Vai Kungs. Tas ir labi ar manu dvēseli. Uz Jordānijas Stormy banku. Sūtīt gaisma. Es esmu tavs, ak, Kungs. Tur ir strūklaka. Tu esi cienīgs. Pazudis. Tas ir pabeigts. Ak, kā Viņš mīl tevi un mani. Neapmācies diena.